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A.R.E. Ancient Civilizations, Atlantis and Egypt, An easy guide to Atlantis, Atlanticas, Atlantida, Atlantide Home, Atlantis, Atlantis - Fact, Fiction or Exaggeration?, Atlantis - The Lost Continent Finally Found, Atlantis History, Atlantis in the Caribbean
A Possible Pre-Columbian Constellation
Speculation concerning a connection of Costa Rica's large stone spheres with the constellation Pegasus.
Ancient Civilization Conspiracies
Links to discussions and link to sites relating to lost civilizations.
Ancient Man-Species
Details on fantastic or mythological humans. Centaurs, Amazons, Gorgons, Atlanteans and others
Coso Geode
What appeared to be a typical geode, covered by fossils that dated it to a half million years ago, when cut in half was revealed to have a ceramic insulator surrounding a titanium electrode.
Crystalinks: Ancient and Lost Civilizations
Provides information on and discussion of dozens of ancient civilizations from throughout the world.
Edwque's Stone Spheres of Costa Rica
Claims that the symbols on these balls represents Pegasus.
Hollow Planets
Various theories of a hollow earth, containing civilizations beneath the surface.
In Plain Sight
American epigraphy proves many arrived from the old world before Columbus.
Lost civilizations
Collected and some original essays on Atlantis, life on Mars, ancient civilizations of Earth.
Dedicated to forbidden archaeology, paleoastronautic, mysteries of Egypt, new discoveries,ancient civilizations, enigmas, monoliths.
Mysterious Places and the Unexplained
Presents what is known, theories, and speculation about Stonehenge, Easter Island, the face on Mars, Cydonia, and Tunguska.
Past Life On Mars
Ralph Brodacz discovers and claims that he found an ancient terristrial female and her spawn from the planet mars from one of NASA'S Surveyor images.
Perished Nations
Reviews past societies which in the Islamic tradition were destroyed because of their rebellion against Allah starting with Nuh's Flood. Includes maps, satellite images, and histories.
Quest for the Lost Civilization
Resources and links for the investigation of the lost, antediluvian civilization whose heirs we all are. Bibliographies, web links, and contact information provided.
Sci-Tech: Dinosaur Lost World Discovered
A team of researchers has found a vast dinosaur nesting ground strewn with thousands of fossilised eggs in the Patagonia desert (BBC News)
Secrets of Easter Island - Lost Civilization
Nova Online: Ever since 1722, when Captain Jacob Roggeveen, a Dutchman and the first European known to have reached Easter Island arrived, scholars have debated the origins of the isolated population he found there. Discusses theories of their origins.
The Ancient Ica Stones of Dr. Cabrera
Attributes stones from Peru to an unknown ancient civilization, and interpreted as showing advanced technologies; includes photographs and links.
Unknown Earth
Blog of alternitive nrws stories centering on the origins and nature of the planet.