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Sudan, Arid Climate Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in, Heinrich-Barth-Institute, Society of Africanist Archaeologists
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS), Heritage Conservation Advocates, Institute for Ancient Equestrian Studies (IAES), Society for South Asian Studies (SSAS), The Center for the Study of Eurasian Nomads (CSEN)
Barbados, International Association for Caribbean Archaeolog
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany
Middle East
Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), British Institute of Persian Studies, Center for Archaeology of Middle East Landscape (C, Cobb Institute of Archaeology, Council for British Research in the Levant, Netherlands Institute for the Near East
North America
Canada, United States, Archaeological Institute of America, Boundary End Archaeological Resource Center
Australia, New Zealand, Easter Island Foundation and Pacific Institute, Guam Historic Resources Division, Oceanic Archaeology Laboratory (OAL), Polynesian Voyaging Society
Association for the Study of Marble and Other Ston
Profile of the association, information on the next conference, newsletter and other publications.
CenturyOne Foundation
A nonprofit corporation aiming to fund archaeological projects, historical and biblical research, publications and education on the first century A.D. Projects, articles, online bookstore.
Computer Applications in Archaeology
An international organization bringing together archaeologists, mathematicians and computer scientists. Annual conference proceedings published (list of titles).
Donetsk Centre of the Institute of Oriental Studie
Established to provide contacts and ties of co-operation between scientists in the field of archaeology, history, culture, ideology and social problems of nations of the East.
Earthwatch Institute
This international nonprofit organization places paying volunteers of all ages on short-term research expeditions worldwide. Helps scientists on 140 projects from archaeology to zoology.
Foundation for Exploration and Research on Cultura
A private foundation started in 1992 by Thor Heyerdahl and Fred Olsen, to further Dr Heyerdahl's vision of archaeology's role in demonstrating the possible relations between peoples of the past.
Global Heritage Fund
The Global Heritage Fund's mission is to help ensure the long-term preservation of humankind's most important and imperiled Global Heritage sites in developing countries.
Institute For Ice Age Studies
Not-for-profit foundation to support and further research and education in human evolution and prehistory during the late Pleistocene. Currently supports excavations at Abri Castanet, France.
Institute of History, Archaeology, and Education
Provides student, teacher, and public programs and activities. Features mission statement, description of programs, staff profiles and contact details.
International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ)
International organization for those interested in the study of human/animal interactions through the analysis of archaeological animal bones.
International Union for Prehistoric and Protohisto
Promotes the collaboration between scholars from all countries, working together in total academic freedom. History, constitution, organisation and congresses.
Middle East Technical University
The Center for Research and Assessment of the Historic Environment includes archaeological research. Museums, projects, urban archaeology in Turkey.
Precolumbian Art Research Institute
Supports research and exploration of Mesoamerican civilizations.
Protecting Archaeological Sites Today
An on-line organization dedicated to the preservation of archaeological, cultural, and historical sites, through political action and education.
Scientific Methodologies Applied To Cultural Herit
International non-profit organization that promotes initiatives for applying scientific research to the world's cultural heritage.
Society for American Archaeology
An international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. Education, government affairs, membership, careers and jobs.
Society for Archaeological Sciences
Aims to provide a forum for communication among scholars applying methods from the physical sciences to archaeology. Officers, publications, proceedings of the Mexico City Archaeometry Symposium.
Society for Industrial Archaeology
World-wide group aiming to preserve, interpret and document our industrial past and heritage. Membership information, calendar, conference, action alerts.
The Society for Historical Archaeology
This US-based society focuses on the New World, but also includes European exploration and settlement in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Directors, publications, news, meetings.
World Archaeological Congress
World-wide body of practicing archaeologists who promote dialogue and debates. WAC5 will be held June 2003 in Washington DC. Themes and details for participants.