english deutsch
Iranica Antiqua
Christianity at Humayma, Early Bronze Age Metallurgy, Excavations at a Geometric Kebaran site in Wadi Zi, Excavations at Tell Fendi, Excavations at Tubna, Wadi Ziqlab, Geophysical Surveys in the Jebel Hamrat, GIS-Based Excavation Recording in Jordan, Jordan During the Late Seventh and Early Sixth Mil, Neolithic Statues from Ain Ghazal: Construction an, Petra: An Eroding Ancient City
Archaeology & History in Lebanon
A refereed, biannual journal published in Arabic and English. Reports on archaeological symposiums, conferences, archaeological studies, and field research related to the Arab world.
E-zine of the Assyriological Foundation.
Ancient Near Eastern Studies Journal
Annual journal from the University of Melbourne dedicated to the languages and cultures of the ancient Near East.
Archaeological Diggings
Australia's popular archaeology magazine. Containing reports on recent discoveries in the Near and Middle East and reviewing the great finds of the past.
ASOR Newsletter
Presents brief summaries of research work done under ASOR auspices and reports on the various activities of ASOR's overseas centers in Amman, Jerusalem, and Nicosia. Index and contents.
Near Eastern Archaeology
A Publication of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Includes: a back issue index and subscription information.
Near Eastern Archaeology Forum
Forum pertaining to the archaeology of the ancient Near East from North Africa in the west to Iran in the East.