english deutsch
AUTASYS - A Fully Automatic English Wordclass Anal
A Windows 95/98 compatible tagger developed by Alex Chengyu Fang. Tagsets, samples, documentation.
CLAWS Tagger
From the UCREL corpus annotation project. Documentation, free online trial, licensing information.
Eric Brill's Home Page
Personal page of this computer scientist, including a download of the groundbreaking "Brill tagger." Source code from 1996, part Perl, part C.
General Data Tagger
Perl code in text format from Kristie Seymore. Brief notes.
Infogistics Parser/Chunker
Online demo of a system that tags and chunks English into phrases. Freely downloadable for research purposes.
Lingsoft's morphological analyzers
Two-level morphological analyzers for English, German, Swedish, Finnish, Danish, and both forms of Norwegian. On-line demos and licensing information.
Machinese Phase Tagger
Online demo of this constraint grammar-based tagger for English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian and Finnish,
Memory-Based Tagger Demo
Online tagging of Dutch, Spanish, English, Slovene, Swedish and German text. Extensive list of related research.
Monty Tagger: A Brill-Based Part-of-Speech Tagger
Portable tagger with implementations in Python and Java, based on Eric Brill's 1994 tagger. Background and license information, downloads.
Downloadable Java-powered tagger, from the University of Birmingham.
TnT: Trigrams 'n Tags
Statistical part-of-speech tagger trainable on different languages and tagsets. Trained and trainable versions. Online demo, noncommercial licensing information, documentation.
A language independent part-of-speech tagger, available in versions adapted to German and to English. Documentation, downloads, license information, demos.