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Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars, Konstantz LFG Workbench, Lexical Functional Grammar Gateway, Lexical Functional Grammar: The Stanford Web Site
A Minimalist Theory of Human Sentence Processing
Argues that the same set of principles that govern language learning also contribute to a theory of sentence processing.
A Step-by-Step Introduction to the Government and
A textbook-length explanation of Chomsky's theory, in PDF format.
Arizona Minimalist Syntax Archives
A collection of papers written within the context of Chomsky's Minimalist Program.
A freeware Windows program that produces an automatic morphological analysis of any language's corpus.
BBSPrints Archive - Syntax
Lists published references concerning syntax.
But There Are no Such Things as Words!
An overview of the nature of the lexeme and morpheme.
Causes and Consequences of Word Structure
A dissertation exploring the effects of speech perception strategies upon morphological structure.
Distributed Morphology
A complete overview of the theory of the architecture of grammar.
Grammaticality Without Grammar, Iteration Without
Article on Roy Harris's position, elucidated by reference to Kant in his _Critique of Judgment_.
Inflectional Morphology
A tutorial explaining several ways to understand the inflectional lexicon.
Interarbora Tree Delivery Service
A Java program that dynamically renders from sentence input a syntactical tree, in accordance with Chomsky's Universal Grammar.
Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology
A full outline and explanation of the theory.
Linguistic Methodology
Discusses a fundamental methodological error in most branches of linguistic science, using the outdated Government and Binding theory of the Chomskian tradition as an example.
Logical Form in Linguistics
Explains the importance of the logical form; specifically, in relation to the syntactically correct form according to Chomsky's theories of Universal Grammar.
Metathesis Database
A record of reported cases of metathesis, maintained by the Ohio State University.
Morphological Paradoxes
A review of some of the key questions in modern morphology.
Morphology, The Structure of Words
A complete outlined overview.
An archive of recent works in morphosyntax from Stanford University, in PS format.
On Subject-Verb Agreement in Bulgarian (An HPSG-ba
A BulTreeBank project. Paper by Petya Osenova'.
Probabilistic Grammars
A presentation on the grammatical theory, including tree diagrams.
Systemic Functional Linguistics Information
Resources for systemic functional linguists, including bibliographies, conference lists, e-mail addresses, links, software, and courses worldwide.
You Have to Pay Your Syntax
An overview of the subconscious yet active process of grammar at work in the human mind.