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Analogy, Metaphor, and Integration
A series of talks and discussions at UCSD in 1998, by Gilles Fauconnier, Douglas Hofstadter, Ray Gibbs, George Lakoff, and others.
Barnden, John - ATT-Meta Project
Research project which simulates reasoning about mental states and metaphor in a rule-based system. Various papers and a metaphor databank.
Conceptual Metaphor Home Page
Catalogue of common metaphors maintained by George Lakoff.
Cyberspace is a Parallel World, a Metaphor Analysi
This paper examines some of the metaphors that have evolved as we have incorporated computer technology into our lives.
Forceville, Charles
Cognitive linguist with a special interest in visual metaphors.
From Icon to Metaphor
Abstract of Orly Goldwasser's book 'From Icon to Metaphor: Studies in the Semiotics of the Hieroglyphs'.
Goodman's Theory of Metaphor
A debate on Nelson Goodman's theory of metaphor, started by Jonathan Cohen's essay 'Nominalism and Transference'.
Hamburg Metaphor Database
Metaphors collected by master students and documented in their theses, organized by semantic fields.
Hypotheses Revisited: The Cognitive Theory of Meta
Article by Olaf Jäkel in metaphorik.de. Summarizes the cognitive theory of metaphor in nine hypotheses. These are seen to be corroborated by an analysis of biblical journey metaphors, although the validity of the 'invariance hypothesis' is questioned.
Metaphor and Symbol
Scholarly journal. Abstracts from recent issues and one free sample issue.
Metaphor in Scientific Thinking
Overview of computer scientist Ray Paton's metaphor research, with links and a bibliography.
Metaphor: From Plato to the Postmodernists
Explores the role of metaphor in Plato's texts, postmodernist works, culture, and technology.
Online journal on metaphor and metonymy. Published twice a year. Articles and reviews in German, English, and French.
Metaphors and Computers
Review of J.H. Martin's computational metaphor interpretation model MIDAS.
Metaphors as Messengers
PhD research by Brendan Larson at UCSB, exploring the role of metaphors in communication between biological science and society.
Notes Towards the Analysis of Metaphor
Two strategies for a systematic procedure to reconstruct metaphorical concepts and metaphorical reasoning in everyday language.
Olson Zaltman Associates
A research and consulting firm which uses the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) to reveal the consumers' subconscious motivation.
Sci-Phi Pilot: A Language of Metaphors
How to build metaphors and how to use metaphors as learning tools.
The Darmok Dictionary
Analysis of 'Darmok', episode 102 from the science-fiction TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation, about 'the Children of Tama', whose language consists entirely of historical metaphors.
The Frequency of Original Metaphors in Literary an
Presentation of an undergraduate's research, with reference to concreteness, conventionality and implicit formulation.
The Metaphor and Metonymy Group
Resources for figurative language research: abstracts, conferences, a mailing list, links, articles and reviews.
Tracking the fate of the metaphor silent spring in
Article in metaphorik.de by Brigitte Nehrlich.
Turner, Mark
Expert in cognitive metaphor, conceptual blending and other areas of communication and creativity. Book descriptions, selected articles and links.
Wikipedia - Metaphor
Definitions and examples of metaphor, simile, dead metaphors and mixed metaphors.