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Afterlife Experiments by Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., Jennie's Reprisal: A Soul's Evolution fr, Parapsychology Books, R. A. McConnell.com, The Physics of the Paranormal by Kenneth W. Behren
Book Review: Secret Life of Your Cells: The Latest
Annual Eastern Regional Paranormal
Chapter Six- Cleve Backster's Laboratory, Happy Plants, Our Intelligent Companions, the Plants, Plant Articles by Judith Handelsman, Sacrifice for Science, Subtle Energy, Vignettes From the History of Plant Morphology
Proving Murphy's Law, The RetroPsychoKinesis Project
A Gypsy Wagon
Psychic readings and seance by email, chat, or phone. Includes offers on herbal products, amulets, charms, and bracelets.
Adrian Antonovici
Romanian parapsychologist specializing in astrology, white magic, energetics, divination, numerology, tarot, paranormal, and occult.
Aha! - Synchronicity Central
Written logs of coincidences, synchronicities, premonitions, and other unusual phenomena.
Amazing Brain Music Adventure
Information on creativity, intelligence, pleasure, and ESP, including techniques for brain self-control by clicking your amygdala forward and increasing frontal lobe processes.
American Association for Parapsychology
Seeks to provide a better understanding of the scientific basis for extrasensory perception and other psychic phenomena.
American Society for Psychical Research
Founded in 1885, the ASPR supports the scientific investigation of extraordinary, or yet unexplained phenomena that have been called psychic or paranormal.
Astral's Realms
A forum dedicated to the exploration of the interaction between philosophy and parapsychology. Discussion of historical, practical, and theoretical sides to anomolous research especially as it relates to consciousness theories.
Offers services including palmistry, rune stone forecasting, dream analysis, tarot reading, personal item reading, and hand writing analysis.
Consciousness Research Laboratory
"Conducts scientific research on commonly-reported human experiences traditionally called psychic (psi for short). CRL concentrates on controlled laboratory studies of mind-matter interaction phenomena, distant healing intention, clairvoyance, and precognition."
Elfis Network - Portal to Possible Paradigms
Multidisciplinary investigation of all aspects of UFOs, mind, and parapsychological inquiry.
Explore Parapsychology
Introduction to parapsychology, glossary of terms, an on-line psychic experiment, psychic stunts, links, and recommended books.
Global Consciousness Project
Presents scientifically rigorous experiments on global consciousness' effects on Random Event Generators, coordinated by Roger Nelson's team at Princeton.
Human Design Institute
By reading personal genetic codes, this theory offers alternatives to behavioral consequences from emotional and psychological conditioning. Site offers background information and details on ordering readings.
ID Communications
Offers information on business and lifestyle changes through nonverbal communication techniques.
International Academy of Conscientiology
Non-profit research and educational organization that studies out-of-body experience (OBE), bioenergy, paranormal phenomena, and consciousness development.
JREF Challenge
An offer of $1,000,000 to anyone that can demonstrate paranormal abilities under laboratory conditions.
Keys to Power
Offers a course on developing psychic abilities and harnessing the unlimited power of the universe.
Koestler Parapsychology Unit
Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh. Information and online experiments.
Magical Concentration by Ed Strachar
Books and tapes that teach the power of meditation and concentration to stay focused, to enhance mind power, clairvoyance, and psychic healing ability.
Parapsychological Association
Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Parapsychology by Brian Roesch
Brief information about parapsychology and the universities.
Parapsychology Foundation
A not-for-profit grant-making foundation which provides a support for the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena. Provides information about the organization, publications, grants, and news.
Pennsylvania State University Paranormal Research
One of the only university-backed paranormal research centers, involving researchers from many departments. Studies a wide range of paranormal phenomena, and publishes a quarterly magazine.
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
Pursuing rigorous scientific study of consciousness-related physical phenomena.
Psi Explorer
A multimedia site that explores all aspects of scientific parapsychology.
Psi Research
Links and bibliography about scientific research in Parapsychology. Labs, journals, online experiments, discussion groups and related subjects are listed.
PSILAB - Private Virtual Research Laboratory
Online parapsychology and astrology experiments. [Available in English and German]
PSS Paranormal
Possible explanations of paranormal events. Includes viewer pictures, FAQs, and help sections.
Remote Viewing Discussion Group
A public internet discussion forum on remote viewing.
Rhine Research Center
Promotes research and investigation of paranormal science. Actively seeking accounts of paranormal or psychic experiences.
San Antonio Parapsychological Association
Share ideas and news, including upcoming experiments, events, and meetings.
San Antonio Parapsychological Association
For those interested in the study and research of anomolous phenomena. Includes meeting times and contact information.
Science of the Subjective
Paper by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne of PEAR.
Sean Harribance Institute for Parapsychology Resea
Parapsychology papers based on studies of the psychic Sean Harribance.
Society for Psychical Research
Founded to advance the understanding of events and abilities commonly described as 'psychic' or 'paranormal'. Site includes membership details, journal, research directory, notices, conferences, and contact information.
Southeastern Institute of Parapsychology
Investigations and research on the paranormal. Includes articles and theories on ghosts, hauntings, psychic abilities, and offers certification awards.
SpiriTech Research and Development
Research project to study, define, and analyze spiritual gifts, abilities, and psychic powers. Readers can add to the database.
Stephan A. Schwartz
Magazine articles, research papers, and interview transcripts.
Telepathy, Etc.
A method for teaching yourself mental telepathy.
The Institute of Applied and Theoretical Parapsych
An accredited seat of learning founded to provide recognized accreditation and support for those who have an active interest in the psychical field. Includes distance and online learning courses and faculty information.
The Paranormal: the Evidence and its Implications
Article by Jessica Utts and Brian D. Josephson discussing the evidence for paranormal remote viewing.
Three Writers in Search of the Paranormal
Review and analysis of three books that purport to give an unbiased assessment of paranormal phenomena and psi research.