english deutsch
Baillargeon, Renee, Carey, Susan, Gelman, Rochel, Gopnik, Alison, Keil, Frank C., Leslie, Alan M., Luria, Alexander R., Luria, Alexander R., Mehler, Jacques, Meltzoff, Andrew
Considerations Towards a Qualitative Developmental
In this article Guenter Mey provides a brief description of the three phases of developmental psychology in regards to their predominant methodical orientations.
Dare Association, Inc.
Independent, not-for-profit organization that supports endeavors in the arts and sciences, particularly focusing on psychology. Online papers, instruments, staff contact details.
Developmental Lifespan Theories
Concise comparison of lifespan theories in developmental psychology. Includes chart for quick reference.
Developmental Psychology - Suite 101.com
Articles, links, and discussion forum covering psychological aspects of human development from conception to death.
Developmental Psychology Resources
Directory of categorized links, covering human development from conception to death.
European Association for Research on Adolescence (
The EARA comprises psychologists, psychiatrists, and sociologists who are studying adolescent development.
Foundation "Juveniles and Social Limits"
The JSL Foundation concerns the way children and youngsters deal daily with societal norms and values. The JSL Foundation regards this object by scientific research, psycho diagnostics and program consultation
Infant Development Research Center
Description of Dr. Wass' research on cognitive development during early infancy at the University of Tennessee.
Learning & Teaching Developmental Psychology
Psychological research and theory about children's social and cognitive development including lesson plans, classroom activities, and web links.
Psyche Matters: Infant and Child Psychology and Ps
Information related to infant and child development, attachment theory, Klein, Winnicott, Bowlby, Anna Freud and others. Includes articles, journals, books, and bibliographies
Society for Research in Child Development
Information on the Society, membership, and publications.