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A Line on Life, National Conference on Psychology as a Science, Plebius Press, Practical Psychology, psyberfun, PsyberSite, Psychology in the News, Psychology Matters, Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, Racism and Psychology
Approaches to Teaching and Learning Psychology, Discovering Psychology, Epsych: Journeys into the World of Mind, Forsyth's Introduction to Psychology, George Boeree, Gerard Keegan and his Psychology Site, Holah Psychology, Houghton Mifflin, IB Psychology, Key Psychology Studies Website
Advice for Undergraduates Considering Graduate Sch
Describes how to prepare and the key aspects to consider.
Resources for students include a glossary, quizzes, forums, and annotated links. Also has advice about graduate school.
Virtual psychology classroom with topic synopses, disorders, dictionary, online tests, education and career information, news, and internet resources.
APA Education Directorate
Resources about education at all levels, including K-12. Also covers accreditation, continuing professional education, and funding.
APA Resources for Students
Information for undergraduates, particularly about advanced education and possible careers in psychology and related fields.
APA Summer Science Institute (SSI)
Information on and application materials for a competitive program that exposes early undergraduates to the science of psychology.
Career Decision Tree
Quiz helps undergraduates understand their options and gives information about the choices and how to pursue them.
Career Pathways in Psychology
A series of questions leads undergraduates to specific information about preparation for their chosen career.
Information Literacy
Tutorials on finding and evaluating websites and journal articles. Also addresses PsychInfo and APA Style.
Jeanne M. Slattery
Professor gives advice about preparing for graduate school or a career in psychology.
Learning and Teaching Support Network for Psycholo
Information about events, publications, projects and research related to the teaching of psychology; database of resources.
Linda Walsh
Professors home page has advice, links, quizzes, activities, and articles for students and teachers.
Many Faces of Psychological Research
Online book outlining the current state of knowledge and activity within the various fields. Intended for students considering a career in research.
Office of Teaching Resources in Psychology (OTRP)
Clearinghouse of documents created by and for psychology teachers with syllabi, class materials, and guides on professional issues.
Articles from the APA about choosing and managing a career and considerations for graduate school. Features a jobs database.
Annotated links to books and handouts as well as original content that provides guidance for applying to and succeeding in graduate school.
Resources for undergraduates including instructions for writing and formatting papers and posters, and information on graduate school and both traditional and non-traditional careers.
Psychology 111 : The Science of Mind and Behavior
A library tutorial which addresses finding, using, and citing common sources.
Reading Reports of Empirical Studies
Tutorial on reading and understanding empirical research articles.
Seminar on the Teaching of Psychology
Program schedule has handouts of tips for TAs.
Some Exciting Areas in Applied Psychology
Detailed information, such as pros and cons, skills needed, and educational resources, regarding careers of interest to psychology majors.
Student Advice
General studying, writing, and career advice geared toward psychology undergraduates.
Student Resources
Has primers and tips for writing papers and links to career information. Also has a list of commonly used measures (scales).
Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools
APA organization supporting psychology in high schools. Resources for students and teachers including bibliographies and lesson plans.
The Psychology Major's Site
Handbook explains how and why to choose a psychology major and details the many career options.
Thinking About Graduate School in Psychology, eh?
Description of what it is like, from advisors to funding.