english deutsch
"The Mind as the Software of the Brain" , A bottom-up approach with a clear view of the top, An altitude problem, An Evolutionary Hypothesis For Obsessive Compulsiv, Ancestors, And Darwin created us all..., Animal cognition and animal minds, Animal Soul, Assault on Evolution, Association of Ideas
Advances in Biological Psychiatry, Assessing Genetic Risks, Behavioral Measures of Neurotoxicity, Bridging Disciplines in the Brain, Behavioral, and, Cells and Surveys, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Discovering the Brain, Evaluating Human Genetic Diversity, Genetics and the Origin of Species, In the Mind's Eye:
Adaptive behaviour, Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, Aggressive Behavior, Animal Behavior Bulletin, Animal Cognition, Annual Review of Sex Research, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Behavioral Ecology
'Animal traditions: Behavioural inheritance i, 'How The Mind Works' by Stephen Pinker, A Darwinian Left - Peter Singer, A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Ami, A Natural History of Rape by Randy Thornhill and C, A neurosurgeon probes the nature of pain, A rust bowl, A Universe of Consciousness - Gerald M. Edelman an, Alas Poor Evolutionary Psychology: Unfairly Accuse, Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments Against Evolutionary
On evolutionary psychology, Freud, and consciousness.
Evolution of Social Behavior in Primates: Personal
Theory based on Mendelian genetics predicts that personality traits can be traced in ancestral hominid lineages. Reference to non-human primates. A. M. Benis, Sc.D., M.D.
Evolution's Arrow by John Stewart
Psychological evolution - examines how humans are evolving psychologically, the next step becoming a self-evolving organism whose adaptability is not limited by its biological and social past.
Evolutionary Psychology: The Ultimate Origins of H
Online text by Jack and Linda Palmer on evolutionary aspects of human behavior in contexts such as mate selection and the development and maintenance of social hierarchies. Topics include human origins, evolution of the brain and mind, language, tool use and art, and challenges of the modern environment.
Global Brain
The first book to make a strong, solidly backed, and theoretically-original case that we do not live the lonely lives of selfish beings driven by selfish genes, but are parts of a larger whole. An attractive site containing a great deal of thought-provoking material.
Human Nature Review
A publication focusing on different aspects of human nature. Includes online copies of the articles, related news and book reviews.