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BBC - Surveys and Psychology Tests
A collection of short personality tests.
Do-Re-Mi's of Personality
Test which shows how some aspects of personality can be explained through music preferences.
A collection of entertaining personality tests.
Life Orientation Test
A short interactive test which indicates degree of optimism.
Machiavelli Personality Test
This test delineates differences in temperament based on reactions to a 16th century Italian political philosopher.
Moral Politics
Political test that attempts to explain how people think by mapping their personal morals.
Morality Play
Interactive quiz that reveals interesting aspects of each person's moral framework.
Myvesta - Money Personality Test
Fun quiz helps users discover which money personality best describes their style of money management.
Personality Quiz
A variety of fun personality tests that provide analysis and advice by interpreting the user's answers to various questions and events.
Personality Test Center
A collection of insightful personality tests for both personal and career development.
Power Program Quiz
Indicates standing on a power freak scale.
Queendom - Just for Fun Tests
Fun personality tests exploring issues of morality, personal habits and everyday situations.
Tests on a variety of subject areas including love, career, and aspirations.
Robin Hood Morality Test
Opinions about four characters in a Sherwood Forest story are evaluated in order to express attitudes towards morality and honesty.
Personality and temperment may not be purely psychological, but perhaps also biological.
The Dynamics of Sitting
Personality traits may be revealed by very simple things, such as seating arrangements in a classroom.
The James Gang: The Room
Personality test based on room decoration.
Tree Personality
Gives personality descriptions by matching birthdates with different types of trees.
Who Am I?
Short 20 question test measures degree of individualism as opposed to conformity and social role identity.