english deutsch
Agnew, Christopher
Personal relationships, health behavior (Purdue U., USA)
Arkin, Robert
Attribution theory, self-presentation, self-handicapping, overachievement (Ohio State U., USA)
Arriaga, Ximena
Personal relationships, commitment, abusive relationships (Purdue U., USA)
Baldwin, Mark W.
Cognitive representation of interpersonal information (U. of Winnipeg, Canada)
Beyer, Sylvia
Gender, self-perception, causal attributions of performance (U. of Wisconsin-Parkside, USA)
Bizer, George Y.
Attitudes, attitude strength, and persuasion. (Eastern Illinois University, USA)
Blascovich, James J.
Social psychophysiology, challenge and threat motivation, immersive virtual environments as a research tool (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Bodenhausen, Galen
Social attitudes, social cognition (Northwestern U., USA)
Brewer, Marilynn
Social cognition, intergroup relations, social identities and the self concept (Ohio State U., USA)
Carlston, Donal
Social cognition, mental representation, person perception, and impression formation (Purdue U., USA)
Collins, Nancy L.
Close relationships, interpersonal perception, social support, health psychology (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Dunning, David
Accuracy and illusion in human judgment, social perception, accuracy and error in eyewitness testimony (Cornell U., USA)
Eagly, Alice
Attitudes, gender, meta-analysis (Northwestern U., USA)
Edwards, John
Social cognition and individual differences: motivational and personality factors influencing social judgment (Oregon State U., USA)
Feldman Barrett, Lisa
Research related to emotional experience, the structure of affect, experience-sampling procedures, adult attachment, and personality.
Forgas, Joseph P.
Social cognition, affect and social behaviour, social interaction processes, social judgment (U. of New South Wales, Australia)
Gardner, Wendi L.
Physiological and social psychological investigation of evaluative and emotional processes (Northwestern U., USA)
Gasper, Karen
Affect and information processing (Penn State U., USA)
Glaser, Jack
Prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination; intergroup conflict and hate crime; unconscious affect and cognition; political decision making and behavior; political ideology (U. of California, Berkeley, USA)
Gonzalez, Richard
Judgement and decision making, mathematical modeling of group processes (U. of Michigan, USA)
Greenwald, Anthony G.
Implicit social cognition, unconscious cognition, the self, research methodology attitudes and social cognition (U. of Washington, USA)
Gurung, Regan A.R.
Social cognition and personal relationships, health behavior, cultural differences in health and coping (U. of Wisconsin, USA)
Ham, Jaap
Spontaneous inferences in person perception, stereotyping, attribution (Radboud U. Nijmegen, Netherlands).
Hamilton, David
Social cognition, stereotypes, person perception, attribution processes (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Higgins, N. C.
Optimism, coping, attribution theory, risk perception, aggression, helping behaviour (St. Thomas U., Canada)
Holmes, Bjarne M.
Adult attachment theory, romatic relationships, appraisal and coping with relationship stress, gender and power (U. of Massachusetts, USA)
Hoorens, Vera
Person perception and on self-favoring biases in social comparison (U. of Leuven, Belgium)
Karylowski, Jerzy J.
Social cognition (U. of North Florida, USA)
Kelly, Janice
Group interaction process analysis, social psychology of time, and the effects of mood and social factors on group interaction (Purdue U., USA)
Kirby, Leslie D.
Task engagement, psychophysiology of emotions, motivation and emotion, appraisal theories of emotion (Vanderbilt U., USA)
Klauer, Karl Christoph
Social cognition, cognitive psychology, research methods (Bonn U., Germany)
Klein, Stanley B.
Social cognition, mental representation of self, person memory (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Krauss, Robert
Conversational hand gestures, communication and cognition, language and emotions, social representations in language and cognition (Columbia U., USA)
Krosnick, Jon
Formation and change of political attitudes, social and cognitive processes involved in responding to survey questionnaires (Stanford U., USA)
Lambert, Alan
Stereotypes, the role of political ideology and values in social judgment, consequences of group variability, effects of the self on judgments of others (Washington U., USA)
Lips, Hilary M.
Gender and women's issues. (Radford U., USA)
Mackie, Diane M.
Persuasion, social influence, affect, intergroup processes, social perception (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Major, Brenda N.
Prejudice and self-esteem, coping with stress, legitimacy (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Malle, Bertram F.
Social and personality psychology, judgment and decision making (U. of Oregon, USA)
Markman, Keith D.
Motivated social cognition, social judgment and decision-making, counterfactual thinking (Ohio U., USA)
McAndrew, Frank
social psychology, evolutionary psychology, and environmental psychology (Knox College, USA)
McConnell, Allen R.
Forming impressions of social entities, self-concept representation, counterfactual thinking (Miami U., Ohio, USA)
Milgram, Stanley
Biography, key references, and quotations from Milgram's biographer, Thomas Blass.
Nelson, Todd D.
Stereotyping and prejudice, counterfactual thinking, attitudes, prosocial behavior, and self-regulation (California State U., USA)
Olson, Michael A
Social cognition, attitudes, racial prejudice, and evolutionary psychology (U. of Tennessee, USA)
Petty, Richard
Situational and individual difference factors responsible for changes in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors (Ohio State U., USA)
Plous, Scott
Prejudice and discrimination, decision making, the human use of animals and the environment (Wesleyan U., USA)
Ray, Jon J.
An academic site giving access to published and unpublished papers on authoritarian personality, achievement motivation, dogmatism, conservatism, racism, A-B personality.
Read, Stephen
Neural network models of reasoning and behavior, use of interactive media for studying and changing risky social behavior (U. of Southern California, USA)
Reeder, Glen
Social cognition, impression formation and attribution process, prejudice toward people with AIDS/HIV (Illinois State U., USA)
Roese, Neal
Causal judgment, social comparison, emotion (U. of Illinois, USA)
Rose, Paul
Social, personality, and economic psychology (Union College, USA)
Ruscher, Janet
Stereotyping and prejudice in communication (Tulane U., USA)
Russell, Gordon W.
Sport, riots, crowd violence, personality of rioters and peacemakers, sports heroes (U. of Lethbridge, Canada)
Sackett, Aaron M.
Social judgment and decision making, judgments of self, self-identity, personal predictions, unrealistic optimism (Yale U., USA)
Sanna, Lawrence J.
Social cognition and mental simulation, cognitive and affective influences on performance (U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
Shaw, Jerry I.
Information search and impression formation, psychology and law, jury training, attribution of causality, homophobia, centrality preferences in choice behavior (California State U., USA)
Sherman, Jeff
Social cognition, impression formation, self perception, stereotyping (Northwestern U., USA)
Sherman, Richard C.
social cognition, processes underlying online self-presentation (Miami U., Ohio, USA)
Sherman, Steven J.
Information seeking and hypothesis testing strategies, illusory correlation (Indiana U., USA)
Shoda, Yuichi
Social psychology and personality, coherence and perception of personality, social cognition, computational modeling of personality processes, health and coping behavior (U. of Washington, USA)
Smith, Eliot R.
Social cognition, past experiences and social judgments, role of emotions in prejudice and intergroup relations, connectionist models in social psychology (Purdue U., USA)
Sokolowska, Joanna
Psychological theory of decision making, risk perception and acceptance (Warsaw, Poland) [some Polish content]
SPN Professional Profiles
Directory of over 700 social psychologists. Search by name or keywords of interest, browse by research area, or view an alphabetical list of all profiles. This is the Web's primary site for learning about social psychologists.
Stapel, Diederik A.
Person perception, self perception, social comparison, psychophysics and comparative and social judgment, motivational processing, prejudice and stereotyping, political psychology, consumer psychology (U. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Stewart, Tracie L.
Social cognition, mental representation of trait judgments, stereotyping and prejudice (Bard College, NY, USA)
Swim, Janet K.
Stereotyping and prejudice (Penn State U., USA)
Tetlock, Philip
Accountability, evaluations of judgments, political psychology (Ohio State U., USA)
Uleman, Jim
The role of intentions and culture in cognitive processes (New York U., USA)
Updegraff, John
happiness, subjective well-being, emotions, stress and coping, and posttraumatic growth. (Kent State U., USA)
van Knippenberg, Ad
Social cognition: social categorization, stereotyping, person perception and memory, habitual and automatic behavior (U. of Nijmegen, Netherlands)
von Hippel, Bill
Prejudice and stereotyping, implicit memory, self-concept, social cognition (Ohio State U., USA)
Vonk, Roos
Person perception and social cognition (Radboud U. Nijmegen, Netherlands).
Weary, Gifford
Cognitive and motivational influences on social perception processes (Ohio State U., USA)
Wegener, Duane
Attitude change, social cognition (Purdue U., USA)
Wigboldus, Daniel
Social cognition, communication, stereotyping, and intergroup processes (U. of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Windschitl, Paul
Attribution theory and judgment, judgment of likelihood (U. of Iowa, USA)
Winkielman, Piotr
Affect and cognition, categorization and awareness in social judgment, conversational processes in social judgment (U. of California San Diego, USA)
Zarate, Michael A.
Cognitive processes underlying social categorization, prejudice, and stereotyping (U. of Texas at El Paso, USA)
Zimbardo, Philip
Prisons, time, shyness, madness, violence and evil, persuasion, dissonance, hypnosis, teaching (Stanford U., USA)