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Academic Computing Online Surveys
Questionnaire studies from an academic computing department about the use of computers by professional academics.
Anthony Little's Lab
Several online studies about mate preference, as well as information about mate-choice research.
Bem Sex Role Inventory
A short survey to check the validity of items in the BSRI. Takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.
Cambridge-Southampton Social Psychology Web-lab
Social psychology studies covering a wide variety of topics such as gender representations and impression formation.
Cognitive Neuropsychology Experiment Site
Participate in online psychology experiments about cognitive neuropsychology.
Communication of Health Risk
Examines your response to information about health risks. From the University of Cambridge.
Face Research: Studying how we perceive people
Participate in short, frequently-updated experiments about the traits people find attractive in faces and voices, find out how you compare to others, and learn more about the psychology of attractiveness.
An interactive scientific demonstration examining facial perception, from New Mexico State University.
Internet psychology - Cyber-minds.net
A clearinghouse for internet psychology studies and research, online therapy experiments, cybertherapy dissertation, online support groups, Internet psychology courses, articles, discussion, and a weblog.
Internet-Based Experiments
Selection of reaction time experiments from the Universität der Bundeswehr. Some tests in German only.
Jouve Testing
Online experiments used to provide psychometric data for the development of professional psychological and ability tests.
Macquarie University Psychology Department Online
Online surveys and psychological experiments conducted by the staff and students of the Psychology Department at Macquarie University.
Manyitems Survey Portal
Brief psychological surveys and experiments in which volunteers can participate. Studies change regularly.
NeuroMod: Memory Psychology
Contains a memory improvement course and two tests; the Daily News Memory Test and the Galton-Crovitz test. Associated with the University of Amsterdam.
Online Experiments at the Stanford Linguistics Dep
A series of online experiments on different languages, designed by students and faculty at the Stanford University Linguistics Department.
Online Surveys at UCLA
Online social psychology studies by the faculty and students at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Person Perception Study
An online experiment about how people rate others on a number of dimensions.
Physical Attractiveness Experiments
A series of experiments on judgements of physical attractiveness.
Psy-Lab: A Virtual Psychology Laboratory
Collection of online research surveys created by researchers, faculty, and students at the University of Baltimore.
Classic and new studies. Allows instructors to download the data from their class.
Psychological Research on the Net
A listing of online experiments. Organized by topic.
Psychology and Law Laboratory for Web-based Studie
A list of current and past studies involving legal issues.
Psychology Tutorials and Demonstrations
Links to online experiments in a variety of fields of psychology
Self-esteem and self-standards questionnaire
An online study investigating self-esteem.
Social Psychology Research at USC
Several social psychology online experiments at the University of Southern California. Most open to U.S. residents only.
Survey on Parental Rules
10-minute survey on freedoms and limitations placed by parents on children; participants should be parents with at least one child age 5-17.
Test on reactions to other people's emotions
10-15 min questionnaire on empathy (available in English and German). Detailed feedback on personal results is offered.
The Accuracy of Memory
This is an online study involving memory. Participation in the study should be no more then ten minutes. Looking at pictures and answering questions.
The Concept of Intentional Action
A series of online experiments designed to probe people's tacit understanding of intentional action.
The Perception Lab
Participate in frequently-updated psychology experiments about how people perceive personality characteristics in faces.
UCI Cognitive Science Experiments
Experiments involving memory for Chinese characters, as well as English words and images.
UCSD Attention and Perception Lab
Online psychology experiments and surveys at the University of California, San Diego, Attention and Perception Lab.
Understanding Everyday Objects
A study about how?people process descriptions of familiar objects, conducted at the University of Cambridge.
We-by-JirO! Interactive CyberLab for Web Experimen
A series of experiments in both Japanese and English.
Web Experimental Psychology Lab
University of Zürich's large collection of online experiments going back to 1995.
What turns you on?
A research experiment on sexual attraction and human mate selection.
Work Survey
A York University study on work behaviors and attitudes. Open to everyone who is employed either part-time or full-time.