english deutsch
Spruce Goose
Spruce Goose, Spruce Goose, Spruce Goose: Where Is It Now?
Wright Flyer
AIAA Wright Flyer Project, Countdown to Kitty Hawk, The Franklin Institute Online, The Wright Experience, Wright Flyer Online
Flying Clippers
Pictures and narrative about the flying boats that made transpacific aviation possible.
Kelvin's L1011 Tristar Homepage
Development and production history, and a gallery of images.
Lockheed Twins Site
Description and history of the Lodestar, Ventura and Harpoon.
The Fokker D.VII File
Everything you always wanted to know about the Fokker D.VII
The Whistle Pig
A picture history of the Fairchild Hiller FH-227.
Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer
In March 2005, this plane set a record for the fastest, non-stop, non-refuelled flight around the world. It was the first flight of that type flown by a solo pilot with no passengers. Information about the aircraft and the flight.