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All About Circuits - Capacitors
An introduction to capacitors. Theory, pictures, links to other parts of a web-book of electrical theory.
Capacitors, Tutorial
Includes history, types, color codes, illustrations, and formulae.
Capacitors: What Good Are They?
Short description of a fundamental capacitor, and units used to measure capacitance. Illustrations of capacitors in electronic circuits, with animation.
Green Car Congress: Holden (GM) and CSIRO Working
Australian groups partnering on components for electric vehicles.
Hybrid Electric Vehicles: HEV Components - Ultraca
Short paragraph describing ultracapacitors as Electric Vehicle components.
Los Alamos researchers charge ahead in ultracapaci
United States national laboratory press release announcing device capable of more charge-discharge cycles.
Maxwell Technologies - Ultracapacitor Overview
PowerCache ultracapacitors claim up to 100 times the energy of conventional capacitors and ten times the power of ordinary batteries.
Okamura Laboratory - for ultracapacitor, supercapa
Licenses developed ultracapacitor or supercapacitor systems for hybrid vehicles, solar, windmill, and power line backup.
Tavrima Canada Ltd.
Largest and most powerful supercapacitors. New energy storage technology suited for uses needing repeated bursts of power for fractions of a second to several minutes.
Short description of ultracapacitors and their potential for use in electric vehicles.
Ultracapacitors Improve Reliability for Wind Turbi
Google cache of article with pictures.