english deutsch
Cereals/Grains at Oregon State University, Kansas State University: Department of Grain Scien, North Dakota State University: Department of Cerea, Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering
American Association of Cereal Chemists
Benefits of membership, invitation to join, local sections, awards, industry news, career information and placement service.
An encylopedia article on cereals, including description of true and pseudo-cereals, cultivation and food value.
Flour for Europe
Report on a project to formulate a standard flour for calibrating quality-control equipment.
Grain Marketing and Production Research Center
Shows the work of the constituent units, quarterly newsletter and past issues, annual report on projects, contacts and employee database. Headquarters in Kansas.
GrainGenes: A Small Grains and Sugarcane Database
Molecular and phenotypic information on wheat, barley, oats, rye, and sugarcane, plus links to articles, similar projects, and conferences.
ICC Study Group: Image Analyses: Kernel Analyses
Whole grain quality assessment project, with list of participants, related publications and invitation to register interest.
ICC Study Group: Single Kernel Technology
Aims of the group, lists of members and potential topics, and invitation to register for participation.
ICC Working Group: Varietal Identification
Information exchange for a group seeking to develop standardized methods for identifying food grains, with publications and open forum.
Journal of Cereal Science
Areas of research interest, subscription details, and link to extracts from articles.
Nordic Gene Bank
Searchable and downloadable databases of grain varieties, with notes on publications, and contacts.
The International Association for Cereal Science a
National and cooperate members, publications, technical group, newsletter and forum.
Western Grains Research Foundation
News of research in progress, crop information, criteria for funding projects and invitation to apply for grants, notes on sources of finance, and Board members.