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Traffic Management
Sunshine Traffic Sales Inc.
Access ITS
Information clearinghouse maintained by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America.
Automatic Intelligent Ground Transportation
A vision of automatic intelligent ground transportation net.
U.S. federal-state cooperative program for intelligent transportation systems research, development and deployment.
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Independent group focusing on all aspects of intelligent transportation systems sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Research
Oak Ridge National Laboratory program is a technical resource to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in meeting its ITS initiative.
ITS National Associations Working Group
Partnership composed of national associations of state and local officials and transportation service providers with a common interest in understanding the concepts, practices and applications of ITS.
Orbital Sciences Transportation Management Systems
Satellite based vehicle tracking technology for public transportation systems and fleet operations.
Rural ITS
Rural ITS project information and virtual ITS library.