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Amano Books
Hand bound books and journals using handmade and recycled paper, embellished with odds and ends, and using a variety of techniques.
Ann Kingman Books
Handmade books, journals, and memory albums using ancient and traditional methods with interesting materials. Interior pages are 100% cotton rag papers for journaling or sketching. Includes images and detailed descriptions.
d'Vyne Wrytes
Handcrafted blank page books, made with genuine leather binding and parchment finished paper.
DHP Papermill and Press
NY studio making books, bookmarks, boxes, cards, with handmade paper and book-cloth made from recycled garments and fabric scraps.
Fine Blank Books
Source for completely handcrafted blank books, journals, guest books, albums, book and box sets. Custom orders accepted.
Halfpint Books
Brief history of the writer, reviews of chapbooks, work samples, and links.
Jeff Rathermel Reliquary
Handmade paper, decorative boxes, handbound books, art kits, limited edition prints, cards and marbled paper.
Kozo Arts
Handmade paper, books, photo albums, wedding invitation, guestbooks and journals.
LeBaron Books
Features handbound journals in wrap around leather covers. Includes deer hide strap and 100% cotton rag paper.
Nouvelle Chevalerie - New Knighthood
Customized decorative calligraphy artcrafts and book covers on paper and chased copper. [French-English]
Onegirl Designwrks
Handcrafted journals, albums, book jackets and accessories made from soft leather and acid-free papers.
Paper and Petals by Kay
Handmade paper covered journals, frames, keepsake boxes, and memory albums.
Peter and Donna Thomas
Miniature, fine press, and one of a kind books. Classes, exhibits and makes handmade paper.
Robertson Journals
Offers a selection of one of a kind hand-sewn books and journals.
The Book Art of Richard Minsky
Exibition catalog and schedule of the founder of The Center for Book Arts. Includes a range of galleries, links, and articles.
Transient Books
Makers of one-of-a-kind hand-bound books and journals.