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3Eagles Trading Co.
Native American-themed bumper stickers, decals, and crafts.
A Different Path
Music, books, and Indian-style crafts made by native and non-native artists.
Ablaya's Gallery
Sioux-inspired beadwork made by an ethnologist. Part of the proceeds donated to Lakota causes.
Adobe Artes
Southwestern Native American art, gifts, collectible jewelry and home decor.
Adobe Classic Trading Post
Jewelry and gifts inspired by the Native American tribes of the south west.
Alltribes Indian Art LLC
Offering southwestern style jewelry, pottery, baskets, rugs, and western badges.
American Indian Pottery
Pottery, jewelry, and figurines by native artists or using native styles.
Carrying arts and crafts by native and non-native artists.
Amerindian Arts
Prints by Indian and Western artists. Also carries Navajo sandpaintings and Zuni fetishes.
Archaic Art
Reproductions of artifacts of the ancient Eastern Woodland Indians.
Arizona Indian Jewelry
Selling Native American-style jewelry and crafts.
Art Tafoya Studio
Navajo-style silver and turquoise jewelry, original art, and prints.
Arts of the Southwest
Offering Indian and Southwestern pottery and arts.
Bails E-Nterprises, Inc.
Replicas of Indian artifacts and kachinas.
Bear W Leatherworks
Offering dreamcatchers and leather crafts.
Bearland Trading Post
Selling Indian-style crafts, clothing, and dreamcatchers.
Bearlanders Trading Co.
Selling Native American-style jewelry and crafts.
Black Crow Beads
Offers a variety of native art, workshops, and gallery.
Carol and Billy Rainwater
Offering dolls, beaded items, and Seminole-style jackets.
Central Gallery & Navajo
United Kingdom distributor of Western and American Indian-style jewellery and crafts.
Cherokee Free's
Selling Native American-style collectibles.
Chilirose Gallery
This fun site features whimsical southwestern art, crafts and clothing.
Chism's Trail
Primitive Native American replicas and flintknapping.
Conns Creek Trading Post
Features jewelry, rattles, and pouches inspired by Indian designs.
Coyote Crafts
Offers an affordable alternative to authentic Indian crafts.
Coyote Oz Creations
Offers painted gourds and antique roof slates.
Coyote's Corner
Crafts on American Indian, political, environmental, and feminist themes.
Dakota Dreams
Non-traditional dreamcatchers inspired by the artist's Blackfoot ancestry.
DeerSky's Indian Crafts
Offering leather and beadwork patterned on Native American styles.
Denny's Wigwam
Offering Southwestern and Indian-style gifts.
Desertrain Jewelry
Southwest style jewelry and paintings inspired by the artist's Wappinger heritage.
Dream Weavers
Handcrafted jewelry, beadwork and dreamcatchers. Also offering custom beading patterns and lampwork beads.
Dreamcatcher Delights
Offers a selection of dreamcatchers, jewelry, and crochetwork by various crafters.
Dreamcatcher Treasures
Dreamcatcher Treasures Home Page
Patterned after American Indian dreamcatchers.
Handcrafted by artists of Indian descent.
Eagle Rock Trading Post
Offering Native American and southwest style jewelry, home furnishings, and paintings.
Reproductions of Sioux artifacts by an artist of Choctaw descent.
Earth Above Sky Below
Offering power crystals, crafts, and greeting cards inspired by Native American and Earth-keeping philosophies.
Earth Wytch
Pagan dreamcatchers in pentacle style.
Echoes of the Past
Northwest Coastal-style art, artifacts, and pieces of petrified wood.
El Taller Publishing
Southwestern and other Fine Art including open and limited edition prints, originals, sculpture, pottery, artifacts and collectibles
Feather in the Wind
Indian style merchandise made by a British craftswoman.
Fesiko Art
Offering Wiccan and Native American-themed crafts and gifts.
Four Winds Store
Celtic and tribal style arts and crafts.
Frontier Memories
Soap, gifts, and replicas of Indian crafts.
Gecko Gourds
Decorated containers influenced by Southwest Indian craft.
Grandfathers Spirit
Offering rugs, saddleblankets, and recreations of Indian artifacts.
Healing Hands, Healing Hearts
Crafts and medicine inspired by the artist's native great-grandmother.
Horse Dancer Designs
Crafts inspired by the artist's Cree ancestry.
Howlin' Moon Creations
Jewelry, dreamcatchers, and wine charms inspired by the artist's Indian ancestry.
Indian Outlaw
Offering a variety of jewelry, rugs, pottery and wood carvings. Also has Kachina dolls and precious stones.
Indian Treasures
Crafts and gifts patterned after the Native American style.
Into The Wilderness
Manufacturer of Indian-style leather bags and supplier of shed elk, deer, and moose antlers.
K-Bar Trading Company
Southwestern gifts, gourmet foods and cook books, with ng collectible indian dolls and limited addition figurines.
Replicas of First Nations art and artifacts by two craftspeople of Ojibwa descent.
Kerbau Putih
Foreign reproductions of Native North American cultural objects.
Lakota Creations
Featuring beadwork, dreamcatchers, and crafts by native and non-native artists.
Many Horses
Offers reproductions of Plains Indian artwork.
Mesa Traders
Arts and crafts made by or inspired by American Indians.
Minx & Tims Camp
Replicas of native-style quillwork and crafts from a pair of historical reenactors.
Miranjo's World of Gourd Art
Gourds painted with designs from ancient Indian petroglyphs and Hopi folklore.
Motomo Studio and Gallery
Indian-style jewelry and crafts.
Mr. Dreamweaver
Traditional round and 3-D spiraling dream catchers.
Native American Art and Collectables
Jewelry, crafts, and artifact replicas inspired by the artist's Lakota great-great-grandmother.
Native American Exotics
BDSM equipment with faux Native American themes.
Native American Expressions
Sioux-inspired art and artifact replicas.
Native Arts and Crafts
Replicas of native Canadian art.
Native Craft
Offering Indian-style art and artifact reproductions.
Native Cree-a-tions
Jewelry, keychains, and native-themed crafts.
Native Mall
American Indian-style crafts and reproductions.
Native Store
Offering aboriginal-style dreamcatchers from 2 inch to 25 inch diameter.
Native Styles
Indian-style clothing, jewelry, and crafts.
Natures Native Creations
Features handcrafted dream catchers, medicine wheels, talking feathers, and dance sticks.
Neka Mandella
Reproductions of Ojibwa artifacts.
Old West Gifts
Western and Native gifts. Dreamcatchers, figurines and pottery.
Osage Trading Company
Featuring Pendleton blankets and tobacco.
Pilchers Indian Store
Dream catchers, pottery, and other arts and crafts made by American Indians or in American Indian styles.
Rainbow Dancer Arts
Offering crystals, perfume, and pictures of Native Americans.
S.N.A. Crafts
Indian-inspired New Age accessories.
Samplehaus Enterprises
Offering Native American-themed crafts.
Savage Crafts
Dreamcatchers and gifts inspired by American Indian art.
Second Wind Studio
Offers fetishes, dolls, and carvings inspired by Native art.
Shy Fox Trading Post
Beadwork and apparel in a variety of native styles.
Silver Feather Gallery
Features Native American-style crafts and teddy bears dressed up as Indians.
Southwest Cellar
Offering Indian and Southwestern style jewelry, arts and crafts.
Southwest Designs
Crafts inspired by the artist's Cherokee ancestry.
Southwestern Crafts & Gifts Trading Post
Southwestern Native American themed art, crafts and jewelry inspired by the tribes of the Southwest.
Sparrow Creek Productions
Weapons and tools made in the traditions of the Native Americans by a Canadian artisan.
Spirit Wolf Trading
Reproductions of Native American artifacts.
Replications and holistic healing alternatives.
SS&A Traders
Reproductions of Native American artifacts.
Stampede Trading Company
Cowboy and Indian replica artifacts and Western art.
Starcaster's Crafts
Selling fairy wands and crafts patterned after American Indian art.
Stone Age Trading Co
Products for flint knapping, jewelry, pottery and artifact reproduction.
SW Shop Mall
Offering Indian and Southwest themed items.
Swampinjun's Lodge
Features crafts inspired by the artist's Native American ancestry.
Taranoff's Sitkakwan Gifts
Jewelry, carvings, and gifts based on Alaskan Indian designs.
Native American and Nepali themed clothing, jewelry, art prints, and gifts.
Taylyn Arts
Offering Indian-style drums and rattles.
The Wandering Bull
Native American crafts and supplies, Minnetonka moccasins, pottery and jewelry.
Trader Rose
Southwestern and Indian-style jewelry and crafts.
Traders Hitching Post
Dealers of Indian and Indian-themed jewelry and art.
Repairs and trades in Native American-style jewelry and crafts.
Trapline Lodges
Manufacturers of canvas tipis primarily in the Sioux style.
Two Bears Trading
Indian-style beadwork, jewelry and gifts.
Vision Quest
Crafts by an artist of partial Sioux descent.
Walking Wolf
Offering replica Indian jewelry and regalia.
British store carrying American Indian-style jewellery and crafts.
White Buffalo Collectibles
Carrying Indian-style jewelry and gifts.
White River Trader
Offering western art and Indian-style jewelry.
Hand crafted jewelry, pottery, and crafts from Native American and Southwestern artists.
Winds of Spirit
Jewelry and spiritual items made by a family of native descent.
Winter Dawn
Offering Indian-inspired dream catchers and dolls. Portion of proceeds donated to a Native American school.
Wisdom Bear Company
Indian-inspired and metaphysical goods.
Wolf Pack Traders
Indian-style crafts, and home decorations.
Zuni by Harris
Indian-style fetishes and jewelry made by a southwestern family.