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Big Island Candies
Catalog request, company information, plus online candy and gift shopping with pictures and descriptions.
Ed & Don's of Hawaii
Offers chocolates, caramel chews, brittles, and other specialty items made in Hawaii.
Hawaiian Host Chocolates
Makers of chocolate covered macadamia nuts.
Hawaiian Vintage Chocolate
Producers of chocolate and related products. Includes information on growing chocolate in Hawaii, recipes, news, and related resources.
Honolulu Chocolate Company
Offers an array of confectionery gifts for all occasions. Selection includes many of the major chocolate manufacturers complementing Hawaiian made chocolate.
Kailua Candy Company
Hand made chocolate candies using Hawaiian products including macadamia nuts, pure Kona coffee, guava, coconut and ginger.
Menehune Mac
Chocolate covered macadamia nuts, gift baskets, cookies and food products from other Hawaiian manufacturers.
Original Hawaiian Chocolate Factory
Producers of Hawaiian chocolate made solely from cocoa beans grown on the Big Island. Find products, information on chocolate production, and order online.
Wow-Wee Candy Bars
Offers chocolate candy bars made in Maui.