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Aesthetic Technologies, Inc.
Cellulite cream products and treatments, and skin care body lotions.
Body wrap supplies for professional or personal use.
Azzurra Health & Beauty
Offers compression pantyhose, tights, stockings and socks to prevent cellulite and feet swelling.
Body Wrap Slim
Offers a kit that reduces inches, improves cellulite, stretch marks, and firms skin.
Bodywraps 4 U
Choose from 3 home wrap kits that will help lose cellulite and inches all over the body.
Include information, diets, exercise, supplements, tips and products for self-diagnosis and treatment of cellulite conditions.
Contour Body Wraps
Sales of body wrap products for personal or spa use.
European Health and Body Spa
European Slimming Techniques, Cellulite, Inch Loss, Thermal Fat Burner treatments and Muscle Toning.
Features an applicator which targets any specific area of your body abs/back, chin, legs/arms and face, which will help inches of fat, cellulite and wrinkles disappear.
Mrotex P.P.H.
Presented is a bodysuit, body stocking designed for cellulite therapy.
Simply Slender Body Wraps
Sales of body wraps made of herbs, minerals, and sea clays.
Sales of body wrap kits for use at home, body wrap supplies for salons, and cellulite reduction for hips, thighs and double chins.