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Fridge Fun
Makes and sells fridge magnets, including word magnets, magnetic icons, greeting cards and photo frames.
Fridge Poetry
Have fun creating poetry with magnetic words. Hundreds of magnetic words can be re-arranged to produce your own poetry, all on your refrigerator.
Magnetic Poetry word magnets, including versions for children, various languages and geography.
London Magnetic Poetry Kit
A version expressly designed to capture the vim, vigor, and spirit of London.
Magnetic Poetry
Creators of tiny word magnets used on fridges. Shop for magnets and other products, read and submit poems, and play online.
Poetic Licenses
Home of the original refrigerator word magnet kit made from real, full color photographs of vanity (personalized) licenses plates from around the United States.
Magnetic poetry word magnets with themes ranging from art to zen. Educational word games for kids, too.