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Glockengiesserei Berger
Foundry based in Switzerland offering cowbells, horsebells, sheepbells, shipbells, housebells, gripbells and souvenirs with the ability to order online.
Handbell Table Coverings by Norris
Table coverings in a variety of styles, sizes, colors, and fabrics, and accessories.
Handbells etc.
Retailer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Selling handbells, music, gifts, and Malmark parts and accessories. Site includes local events, music reviews, newsletter and new releases.
Handbells, chimes, music, educational products, gifts, and accessories. Includes articles and worldwide events listing.
Malmark Inc.
Handbell manufacturer. News and resources, list of products and services.
Schulmerich Handbells
Handbell manufacturer, also makes carillons, bell towers, chimes.