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Amon Olorin Flutes
Contemporary Native American flutes by Ken Light, and flute workshops with R. Carlos Nakai. Flutes are handcrafted from western red cedar. PF Series, instrument grade ABS-resin flutes available. Catalog, tips and facts.
Ancient Vision Flutes
Handcrafted Native American flutes made from western red cedar, with other woods available. Made for the serious flute collector.
Bamboo Winds Flutes
Custom and limited edition Native American style bamboo flutes for the amature and professional player.
Bear Paw Flutes and Ocarinas
Designed and manufactured from recycled plastic to be ultra-durable. Beginners and advanced flute players. Also for use in the classroom and music specialty programs. Featuring an audio tape version of a lesson book, recorded with a Bear Paw Flute.
Blue Bear Flutes
Offering handmade North and South American indigenous flutes. Flute-playing courses also available.
Blue Feather Flutes
Flutes with carvings and highly figured woods. Choose from a variety of totems, styles and keys.
Blue Star Spirit Flutes
Native American style flutes handcrafted from a variety of woods.
Bruce Becker Flutes
Plains Indian style flutes, Native American hardwood flutes, and cases. Offers lessons.
Butch Hall Flutes
Native American flutes, CD's, books and accessories. Online catalog of flutes available with photos.
Campgaw Flutes
Handcrafted Native American style flutes with free shipping available.
Cedar Croft's
Handmade Native American style flutes, drums, rattles, smudge fans and accessories.
Cedar Song Flutes
Native American flutes and drums. Also offers Wampum jewelry, cedar wood art and an e-book on how to make flutes.
Cedar Spirit Flutes
Hand-crafted Native American flutes with unique personalized totems. All custom work, online ordering.
Cedar Wind Flutes
Featuring 5 hole Native American style flutes. Handcrafted mostly from cedar in different shapes, sizes and keys. Includes a lesson packet with cd.
Chris ti Coom Flutes
Makers of Native American wooden flutes, penny whistles, shakers, and other musical instruments which are found worldwide. Custom work available.
Clayzeness Whistleworks
Transverse flutes individually designed from porcelain with tablature and blowing instructions included. True interpretations of the Native style flute.
CloudWalker Flutes
Custom made Native American style flutes. Made by hand with no two alike.
Courting Flutes by Jim Taylor
Hand crafted Native American courting flutes, also known as love flutes or siyo tanka. Made from hard woods, like burl walnut, oak, or mahogany, and others are made from cedar, or pine.
Coyote Oldman Flutes
Four styles of the Native American flutes offered. Carved traditional designs, a backpacking flute, and music is available.
Dreamwind Flutes
Offering handmade Native American style flutes in single chamber or drone. Specializing in custom orders.
Eagle Song Flutes
Native American flutes and flute kits. Redwood and cedar woods with sound wavs. Online scales and fingering charts, books, history and Native American music. Flute makers links.
Earth Tone Flutes
Native American flutes using primarily Eastern Red Cedar, Douglas Fir and Redwood. Tuned to traditional minor scales, and a major scale flute is available. Sound samples to listen to.
Echoes Past, the Art of Lee LaCroix
Handcrafted Native American flutes from exotic hardwoods. Commissioned custom work and crafting of one-of-a-kind flutes. A video on how to construct a personal flute, books and CDs.
Flute Crafters
Flutes by Tony Sawyer, flutist and flutemaker. Also offering CD's.
Flutes for the Journey
Hand crafted bamboo flutes with Native American tuning. Student, meditation and professional flutes.
A selection of handcrafted Native American style flutes, and flute music.
Fretwell Flutes
One of a kind Native American style flutes made from wood and cane.
Ghost Owl Flutes
Hand crafted Native American style wooden flutes of cedar or other specified woods. Flutes made to order. Traditional pentatonic or diatonic tunings.
Hawk Hurst Flutes
Native American style flutes made of rivercane or bamboo. Also offering CDs and books.
Heartsong Flutes
Concert and custom handcrafted Native American flutes, made from a variety of woods, by JP Gomez.
Heartwood Flutes
Traditional Native American flutes custom created in all keys, woods, and styles by Ojibwa flute maker Raymond Redfeather.
High Spirits Flutes
Native American flutes handcrafted from cedar. Accessories, books, music, and recordings. Workshops and show schedules. Online catalog.
Kamama Spirit Bamboo Flutes
Bamboo Native American flutes, using yellow, black and unique rootend bamboo. All keys available with photos on how flute are made.
Kokopelli Flutes
Hand crafted Native American flutes, tuned in traditional pentatonic scale. Kiowa love flutes and Apache double flutes in aromatic cedar, and other native woods. Books and music.
Laughing Crow Flutes
Native American style flutes, direct from the maker. Digitally tuned, created from traditonal and exotic woods.
Mahewah Flutes
Hand carved Native American flutes for collectors and professional flute players.
Make a Native American Style Flute
Step by step flute making instruction on VHS & CD.
Mohawk Arts
Contemporary Native American flutes by Kirk Ahsoquata, also silver and gold flutes available. Online plans, and MP3s.
Mountain Spirit Flutes
Woodland style Native American flutes. Offering handmade wood and rivercane flutes, flutemaking demonstrations and performances.
Native American Flute Music
Offering Native American Flutes, music CDs, leather flute bags and how-to-play video.
Oregon Flute Store
Offers Native American flutes, cases, instructional materials and songbooks. Also has stands, accessories and flute history resources.
Orion's Gate
Hand crafted American Indian flutes featuring cedar flutes in major tunings, along with various other available woods.
Querencia Woodwinds
Specializing in handmade, concert tuned, performance quality Native American style flutes.
Rainforest Spirit Flutes
Handcrafter of Native American style wooden flutes from select Canadian softwoods. Canada.
Raven Flutes
Hand crafted Native American style flutes in a variety of hard and soft woods and in many keys. Custom made to order.
Raven Song Flutes
Native American style flutes designed and made by Gerry Ouellette.
RiCaL Wood Flutes
Native American style wood flutes in a variety of woods and styles. Custom, one of a kind available for order.
Rick Heller Flutes
Beech Creek Studios offering handcrafted Native American style flutes and cases.
Running Deer Flutes
Handmade, custom flutes of Aromatic Red Cedar and other woods from around the world. Recorded flute music.
Running Wolf Love Flutes
Handcrafted Native American flutes with choice of totem. Offers stands and inlays with custom orders.
Saggio Healing Arts
Native American flutes and flute music. Hand crafted wooden flutes in various keys and woods. Also offers Crystal Singing Bowls, and music books.
Sampson Woodland Flutes
Handcrafted Native American flutes and accessories.
Searching Bear Flutes
Handcrafted custom made Native American style wood flutes. Concert and recording quality.
Serenity Flutes
Handcrafted Native American style flutes, crafted mostly from cedar.
Skyview Flutes
Handmade Native American style flutes in hardwood or aromatic cedar. Custom orders also taken.
Song of the Sea
Native American and Irish flutes by various makers. Choices vary by maker and woods and all are hand crafted. Large selection of books.
Songbird Flutes
Native American style bamboo flutes by a new flute maker. Hand crafted, well tuned, and affordable.
Spirit Flutes
Handmade Native American style flutes, one-piece construction, crafted from aromatic cedar and professionally tuned.
Spirit Of The Woods Flutes
Recording quality, hand crafted and custom made Native American flutes. Made by Ed Hrebec.
Spirit Wind Love Flutes
A variety of Native American flutes. Instruction book, recordings, and flute cases available. Pow Wow schedule.
Native American style flutes by flutemakers from Australia, as well as the Outback Sax and other woodwind instruments.
Stellar Flutes
Handcrafted Native American style flutes made in different keys and most woods. Includes a heavy wool carrying case, fingering chart. Also offering kits and sound samples.
Storyteller Flutes
Hand carved Native American flutes. Made from various woods. Also a recording artist, Roy Peters has two CDs of relaxing sounds.
Stroud Flutes
Videos and books on how to make a flute. Native American style flutes, recordings, kits and accessories.
Sun Heart Flutes
Hand crafted native flutes using cedar. Double and quads available.
The Wooden Flute Case Shop
Handmade designed wooden flute cases, using Red/Spanish or Purple Heart woods. Engraved Native American symbols highlight each case and includes a scroll explaining the meanings.
Thunder Bear Flutes
An array of Native American style flutes made mostly from aromatic cedar.
Tony Sawyer Flutes
Offers Native American style flutes, music and bags.
Tsunami Flutes
Woodlands style, 5 hole Native American flutes, traditionally crafted. A variety of soft and hardwoods are used. 20 sizes available.
Two Towers Flutes and Instruments
Native American flutes, handcrafted with cedar and hardwoods in many different shapes, sizes and musical keys. Photo gallery, song books and audio samples.
Wajo Woodland Creations
Native American Woodland style flutes. Hand made using North American woods. Also, crafts and native reading.
Waking Spirit
Handcrafted Native American style flutes offered in many different woods, styles and keys.
Warrior Wind Flutes
Flutes crafted from PolyVinylChloride. Virtually indestructable and affordable.
Whirlwind Studios
Native owned gallery of Native American flutes. Several flute makers represented and exotic flutes are pictured here. Native American flute music, flute kits, art, and show schedule. Color brochure.
Whistling Hollow Tree Productions
Includes flutes, music and native heritage preservation projects.
Whistlingwind Flutes & Music
Native American flutes, also offering music, performance schedule and photos of the flutemaker.
White Crow Flutes
Quality crafted and concert tuned Native American Flutes offered in many keys, woods and styles. Options include single, double and triple flutes.
Whitepath Flutes
Hand crafted Native American style wood and bamboo flutes. All pieces signed and dated.
Wild Wind Creations
Hand carved traditional Miqmaq Native American style flutes, using no power tools. Books, and original Native arts and crafts.
William Gutierrez Flutes
Native American flutes crafted from red cedar and other exotic woods. Flute stands, and recorded music.
Wind's Song Flutes
Includes flutes tuned to traditional minor scales. Offers a forum, workshops, links and tips.
WindWalker Music
Flute Magic book,an introduction to the Native American flute, and CDs by Tim R. Crawford.
Woodland Voices
Hand crafted Native American woodlands style flutes. Digitally tuned, guaranteed, and unique designs in a choice of keys and woods.
Woodpecker Creations
Custom carved, woodland style Native American flutes by Billy Crowbeak.
Native American flutes using a variety of woods with options available on designs and totems.