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Specific Titles
Addictive Disease, Aging and Addiction, Bulletproof Recovery, Cheers! How To Build A Healthy Relationship With A, Confessions of A Dope Dealer, Cornerstones of Sobriety and Sanity, Dictionary of Medical, Forensic and Street Terms f, Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The Authoritative Guide fo, Duck Blood Soup, He Turned My Wine Into Water
Alcoholism and the Family
For parents in recovery. Excerpts, downloads and ordering information for two books about helping children to manage the impact of parental alcoholism and other substance abuse and addiction.
Anne M. Fletcher
A nationally known health and medical writer. Author of the best-selling books Sober For Good and Thin For Life.
Freeman Carpenter - Alcoholic
Distributes recovery materials, including books and tapes created by a 55 year recovering alcoholic.
Good Book Publishing
By Dick B. Articles, books, collections, and resources on AA's spiritual roots. Includes many AA and Christian links. Offers 14 books.
Kindred Publishing
Provides educational videos and workbooks for drug and alcohol abuse, treatment programs, counselors and correctional facilities.
Koerper and Company, Inc
Offering services for Alcoholics Anonymous, SAP Curve, drinking problems, alcohol abuse, and recovery.
Nick Charles
In association with Addiction Network and Chaucer Clinic. Books for people with alcohol and addiction problems.
South Bay Books
An online bookstore along the path to recovery, featuring titles which focus on sobriety, recovery, spirituality and wisdom. Including books about Twelve Step programs.