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Science Fiction and Fantasy
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Battles in the Backcourt, Brentley House, Crime of the Millennia, Dangerous Game, Freedom's Fyre, Just Away from Home, Kaufman, Pamela, Lords of Darkness, People Of The Same Sun, Shadows Hold Their Breath
Apple Bookshop
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Classic Books on CD
Over 1,000 classic books on one CD-ROM.
Cousin Feely
EPPIE 2002 Finalist novel about life, love, prejudice, and courage in small-town Ohio in the 1950s. Includes history of the Miami and Erie Canal.
CyberLiterature E-Zine of Robert P. Fitton's 26 Novels. Site includes novel synopses,a Fitton article on CyberLiterature, and a collage of Fitton photos.
eBook Fiction
Selection of online fiction.
Electronic Books Here
E-books by Marina Rundell, including a mystery and war novel.
Fiction Wise
eBooks by popular authors in all key eBook format.
Laurence Hatch
Read short stories by Laurence Hatch. Payment by mailing check. [Adobe Reader]
LTD Books
This site offers ebooks, trade paperbacks, and books on disk in a variety of genres.
A gallery of fiction and fanciful art publications. [CD, Diskette, MS Windows PC Only]
Novels Etc.
Where words are exchanged. Free booklists, fiction novels online, electronic books.
One-Way Justice
Robert A. Nilles book, in HTML format, available by mail-order on CD-rom.
Christian author of mysteries The 13th Apostle, Golden Rule Days and Time in a Mirror. Free samples are available. [Acrobat Reader Required]
Sirius Publications
Original e-books and trade paperbacks, plus book reviews and many free resources for authors and readers.
Taylor Lindsay
Access to current releases on CD or for download.
The Shakespeare Plays Edited So You Can Finally Un
Offers modernized versions of Hamlet, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, and Julius Caesar for download.
Tommy's Crackers!
Norah S. Bernard's spoof of Stephen King's stories.