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Manufacturer of BEL radar detectors. Includes products, reviews, charts showing which frequencies are used in various countries, and sales of detectors and accessories.
Buy Radar Detectors
Offers radar and laser detectors from Bel, Cobra, Uniden, and Whistler. Provides radar detector information such as comparison guide, radar FAQ, and legal info.
Offers radar, laser and GPS detectors including Road Angel, Bel, Snooper, Cobra, and Geodesy. Also offering Porsche parts and accessories.
Offers Phazer and Phantom radar detector scramblers with a three year manufacture warranty.
Designs, manufactures and sells Escort, Passport & Solo radar,laser and safety detectors.
Imagine Electronics
Specializes in retail sales of Escort radar detectors.
Integrity Distributing
Radar detectors and jammers, laser jammers, and anti-photo license plate covers.
Jam Radar
Supplier of radar jammers, transmitters, absorbing material, and anti photo laser license plate covers.
Jammers Store
Sells radar, laser active, passive jammers and custom detectors.
MBE Enterprises
Offers radar and laser detectors and jammers.
Origin Technologies
Offers a speed camera detector designed to locate UK radar and laser police speeding cameras.
Pacific Rim Technologies
Offers the Phantom II and Phazer II radar and laser jammers.
Photo Radar
Retailer offers covers designed to hide drivers license plates from photo radar and red light cameras.
Radar Busters
Radar detectors, anti photo radar license plate covers and spray and information to beat photo radar and red light cameras.
Radar Detectors Online
Retailer of name brand laser and radar detectors.
Radar Detectos Online
Offers a variety of radar jammers and scramblers, and laser detectors.
Radar Gun UK
Online merchant selling Whistler radar detectors direct to consumers.
Radar Reporter
Provides information to help you to make informed decisions concerning detectors.
Dutch discount retailer of radar detectors, offering products for many European countries. Text in Dutch, French, German, and English.
RadarTest -
Objective information about speed measurement and all related technologies from the worlds leading source of radar gun and radar detector tests.
RMR Distributing
Supplying radar detectors, laser detectors and jammers, all using passive methods.
Scorpion Jammer Technology
Offers radar scrambling devices.
Offers anti photo anti radar license plate covers.
The Radar Shop
Offers used radar equipment, as well as local repair.
Tiger Lily Products, Inc.
Sells laser and radar detectors, and speed cloaking equipment.
United Marketing
Radar and laser detectors and scramblers.
Valentine Research
The only radar and laser detector that locates threats, tracks and prioritizes multiple threats, and screens for false alarms with three user-selectable computer modes.
Makers of mobile electronics, power inverters, radar and laser detectors.
Worldwide Electronics Group
Includes Viper, Phantom and Phazer brands.