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Amazon sues Barnesandnoble.com over patent, Amazon Wins Court Ruling in Patent Case, Boycott Amazon, Boycott Amazon.com, GNU Project: Boycott Amazon!, Richard Stallman Calls for Amazon Boycott, The Amazon of All Boycotts, Wired on Amazon.com Boycott
Albion Monitor: Kathie Lee, Disney, and the Sweats, Disney Cruise From Hell, Rally Against Disney, Salon - Mickey Mice Unite, Save Disney, Southern Baptists vote for Disney boycott
Anti-Barbie Club, Barbie Protesters Aren't Playing Around, Malibu Barbie, Holiday Barbie ... Toxic Barbie?, Mattel Spyware, Software That Can Spy On You, Sorehands.com: Mattel v. Free Speech, Talk About Barbie
Burgers in Chile: Hold the Criticism, Inviting the McWolf into the Fold, McDonald's: A symbol of American capitalism, McLibel Trial, The, McLibel: Two Worlds Collide, McSpotlight, News for McDonald's Franchisees, State Department To Mayor McCheese: Clean Up Your , Why McDonald's Fries Tastes So Good, Why the McLibel Judge Ruled for McDonald's
Anti-Micro$oft Association, AntiMicrosoft UK, Appropriate technology? Windows versus GNU/Linux, Boycott Microsoft, BW Online -Arrogance, Thy Name Is Microsoft, Downsize Microsoft, Frustrated Microsoft users explore options, I've had enough MS-Hype, Just Say NO to Microsoft, KMFMS - Kein Mitleid Für MicroSoft
A Formula for Disaster, Baby Food Action: Boycott Nestle, Baby Milk Action, Breastfeeding.com: The Nestle Boycott, Information page on the Nestle Boycott, Nestle Boycott, Nestle in the McSpotlight, The Nestle Boycott
Boycott Nike Home Page (Anti-Nike), Corporate Responsibility Report, Nikewatch
Frontline on PBS : Is Wal-Mart Good For America?, NPR : The Marketplace Report: Breaking Wal-Mart&ap, NPR : The Power of Wal-Mart, Wal-mart Protest, Whirl-Mart
Bhopal.net: Campaign News
Regular updates on campaign for justice in Bhopal, the class action suit against Union Carbide Corporation, and activities of organizations for survivors of the Union Carbide disaster.
Boycott Delta
Divestment program and boycott protesting Delta's invasive CAPPS II background checks, which include banking history and credit checks.
Boycott Fedex -Save our homes
A group of residents from Greensboro, North Carolina who actively oppose the building of a FedEx hub in their area.
Boycott Georgia Pacific
Urges a boycott of G-P's products unless construction is halted on a pipeline that endangers the St. Johns River in Florida.
Boycott of International Food Companies
Supplies information and calls for boycott of Unilever, Philip Moris, Nestle, Wal-Mart, and McDonald's.
Citizen Works
Group working on a campaign to eliminate the corosive political influence of corporations and restore democracy to the people. Founded by Ralph Nader.
Campaign against Coca-Cola's use of global-warming gases in its 16 million refrigeration units worldwide, possibly making it "the worst commercial HFC polluter on the planet".
Compaq Class Action Suit
Class action lawsuit against Compaq for producing allegedly defective Presarios from 1996-1997.
Essential Action: Boycott Shell/Free Nigeria Campa
The campaign for environmental justice and corporate accountability for Shell's operations in Nigeria. Background, tools and action ideas for campaigning in your community or campus.
Features news on boycott of the Fisher Family, GAP, Old Navy, and Banana Republic.
No Logo - Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies
News on the politics of brand hegemony and corporate power, and of acts of organized and disorganized resistance from all over the world. A forum for discussion and debate, and for sharing information, strategies of subversion and creative alternatives.
PETA campaign against Proctor & Gamble animal tests.
Primal Seeds
"Untangling ourselves from the monocult." Challenging the corporate domination of the seed supply, industrial biopiracy and irresponsible control of our food.
Save Our Supermarket: Woodstock
Dedicated to opposing the corporate invasion of Woodstock NY by CVS Pharmacy and to preserve the site of the former Grand Union for a supermarket.
Socialism Today on World Trade Organization
Single page review of the powerful gathering of protestors in Seattle in 1999.
Swatch Protest and Boycott
In 1999, Swatch tried to use ham radio bands for advertising in violation of ITU rules via satellite. Amateur radio operators protested and the launch was cancelled.
The Imperial Orgy Community
Offers network of activists ranging from street theater to TV works which oppose corporate power.