english deutsch
Barbie Liberation Organization
Barbie Disinformation Organization, Barbie Liberation, Barbie Liberators, Brillo Magazine: Hacking Barbie with the Barbie Li, New Media: Hacking Barbie's Voice Box: ', Unit Circle: The BLO Strikes
CueJack, CueJack FAQ (Planet Mirror mirror), Slashdot: CueHack For CueCat Released
Deconstructing Beck
Wired News: Beck Sliced, Diced by Culture Hackers, ®TMark: Deconstructing Beck
Ce n'est pas Leonardo Finance, Leonardo Finance against Leonardo, Leonardo Finance Attacks Leonardo Arts, Leonardo Finance Protest, Leonardo Finance Protest Site, Leonardo On-Line, Leonardo World, Sticken' it to Leonardo Finance, The (tm)
Boy 'Bimbos' Too Much for Game-Maker Max
"The pre-Christmas shipment of SimCopter contains a hack by an in-house programmer who supplemented the game's cast of pulchritudinous female 'Sims' with broad-shouldered male 'Sims' in swimsuits." By Steve Silberman [Wired]
Secret Prankster Fund Goes Public
"®TMark will pay saboteurs for acts of creative subversion against mass-produced items." By Mark Frauenfelder [Wired]
The Dilbert Front
"Pranks may be as old as flaming bags of dung, but this year, for the first time, mysterious organizations are publicly offering corporate saboteurs good money for their trouble. We have entered the age of subsidized mischief." By Ellen Barry. [Boston Phoenix]
(RTMark) Brokers of bounties for acts of creative subversion against mass-produced items.