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Amityville Tragedy
Memorial to the DeFeo family, with black and white photographs, links, and a poll.
Details of Amityville Murders Still Vivid for Reti
Interview with George Harrison, the lead detective who had led the investigation. [TheDailyStar.com]
The Amityville Murders
Includes history of the case, myths surrounding it, profiles of the DeFeos, and photograph gallery.
The Cold Spot: Murder in Amityville
Includes reviews of related films and TV documentaries, and a summary of the case.
The Warrens Investigate: the Amityville Horror
Article about a paranormal investigation into the case. Includes photographs of the house's interior.
Why Hollywood's Version of DeFeo Murders isn&
Article about the effect that media coverage of the case has on the residents of Amityville. [Amityville Record]