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ACE Centre
Assistive technology and augmentative communication services offered to the North of England, North Wales and Northern Ireland.
Adaptive Computer Empowerment Services
Recycles computer hardware and software for donation to persons with disabilities, with special interest in facilitating Internet access and communication.
Assistive Services
Non-profit organization committed to providing advanced assistive technology services to individuals with disabilities at reasonable fees.
Assistive Technology Solutions
Specializes in the application of technology and accommodations to assist persons with disabilities to achieve their vocational, educational and independent living goals. Services are provided throughout the Puget Sound region of Western Washington.
Australian Caption Centre
Offers captioning services for the deaf and hearing impaired.
Carolina Computer Access Center
Provides information and demonstrations of technology tools for individuals with disabilities. Offers product referrals, assessments, workshops, short-term equipment loans. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental
CATEA provides support to individuals with disability through expert services, research, design, technological development, information dissemination, and education.
Center for Enabling Technology
Non-profit organization that helps children and adults with disabilities gain access to the powerful world of computer technology.
Easter Seals Massachusetts
Offers assistive technology information and services to help people of all ages with all kinds of disabilities.
eSight Careers Network
Online services to meet the career management needs of blind and visually impaired people. Provides high quality, relevant and authoritative content on managing your career, assistive technology and entrepreneurship.
Iowa Program for Assistive Technology
IPAT works with consumers, family members, service providers, and state and local organizations to promote assistive technology through awareness, training, and policy work.
JFK Partners
Disability, assistive technology and inclusion training programs.
Peace of Mind Servicing
Provides repair services for scooters, powerchairs and wheelchairs. Serves the UK.
Pennsylvania Assistive Technology Foundation
Helps provide financing opportunities to individuals with disabilities and elder Pennsylvanians for the purchase of assistive technology devices and services.
Scottish Borders Ability Equipment Service
Offers information on possible equipment to promote an individual's ability.
Accessibility classification tool designed to provide accurate access information to people who require assistance to buildings.
Offers demonstrations, loans, and training services for adaptive hardware and software, communication devices, keyguards and toys.
Technology Access Center
Provides services to help people with disabilities choose, acquire, and use assistive technology devices.
Tetra Society of North America, The
Recruits skilled volunteer engineers and technicians to create assistive devices for people with disabilities.
Tri-State Resources and Advocacy Corporation
Helps individuals with disabilities define their goals and facilitates plans for reaching those goals through independent living services.
University of Texas, Houston - Hearing Aids and Au
Resources and services for hearing aid selection, and hearing loss diagnosis and testing.