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Academic Programs in Folklore on the Internet
Ph.D and MA programmes in universities (U.S. centric).
Baltic Institute of Folklore (BIF) Home Page
The Institute was founded by the academic folkloric institutions of the three Baltic states -- Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania -- in 1995 to coordinate folklore studies and research. The site includes archives, a newsletter, academic contacts, and conference information.
Cultural Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Forum on F
A peer-reviewed internet and hadcopy journal dedicated to investigating expressive and everyday culture; based at the University of California, but global in scope.
Indiana University Department of Folklore and Ethn
Established 1962 by Stith Thompson and Richard Dorson; specialities include language and literature, folk and traditional arts, and ritual and belief.
Indiana University Folklore Collection
The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries Folklore and Ethnomusicology Collection home page contains general Folklore references, a list of links to other sites, and a description of the Collection.
Jewish Folklore in Israel
A history of the development of academic Folklore studies in Israel with additional links to many other sites, both Jewish and Folkloric.
Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature
One of the largest repositories of South Slavic heroic song; located at Widener Library, Harvard University; online exhibition of photos, song transcriptions, and video.
National Centre for English Cultural Tradition
Part of the University of Sheffield, UK. Details of current research projects and courses offered.
Southern Folklife Collection
An introduction to online cultural resources offered by the Manuscripts Department, Academic Affairs Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: finding aids and guides, databases, photographs, sound recordings, and exhibits.
UCLA Folklore and Mythology Archives
Educational site presenting a wide variety of material on folklore, art, medicine, music, religion, and dance.
University of California at Berkeley, Department o
The home page for UC-Berkeley's distinguished Department of Folkore.
University of Missouri Center for Studies in Oral
Academic site fostering the interdisciplinary growth of Oral Tradition Studies, a highly complex field derived from the older and more defined areas of folklore, anthropology, literary studies, and linguistics.
University of Missouri Folklore Collection
Descriptive catalogue of the Folklore section of the University of Missouri's Western Historical Manuscript Collection in Columbia; includes papers, diaries and memoirs of some of the state's noted academic and hobby folklorists.
Utah State University Fife Folklore Archives
One of the largest repositories of American folklore in the US, housing over 25 folklore collections and projects, home to Utah State University's graduate Folklore Program, and part of USU's Special Collections and Archives, where the historical American Folklore Society Manuscript Collection is housed.