english deutsch
Impartial Progress
Argues that the way to overcome our human limitations is not to improve technology, but to pursue progress as the only goal, which entails abandoning many of our cherished ideals and values.
In Defense of Humanity: Against Transhumanism
Calls transhumanists the most extreme example and synthesis of a complex of spiritual pathologies, worshipping wealth, power, novelty, and machinery, essentially idolizing means at the expense of ends.
Transhumanism and its Absent Discontents
Criticizes transhumanist ideas, the dominance of technology in the world, as well as the failure of luddites to effectively reprimand and organize against the transhumanist movement
Transhumanism Transcended
Criticism of transhumanism on the grounds that an optimum intellectual faculty already exists in every human head, but is persistently unfulfilled.