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Bent, Blind Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transg, Capital Metropolitan Rainbow Alliance, Deaf Queer Resource Center, Gay Disabled Conections, GimpGirl, JoeyLee.com, Omega
AA meetings for Boston
A list of gay and gay-friendly meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in Boston, Massachusetts.
AA Meetings in New York City for Gay Beginners and
Alcoholics, Cocaine, Narcotics, and Marijuana Anonymous meetings for gays and lesbians new in sobriety. Also 1st and 4th Step worksheets and a free comprehensive index to the Big Book.
Offers counselling services, outreach programs, recovery centers. Includes organization information, articles, facility locations, admission qualifications, and contact details.
Association for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues i
Educatation organization for mental health service providers about issues confronting GLBT individuals. Journal, events, and board minutes.
Avert: Gay and Lesbian
Information from an international charity, including health issues, statistics, and age of consent.
Bernd Leygraf, Psychotherapist and Psychosexual Th
Psychotherapist working in London and Spain. Also offers training and organisational consultancy. Includes background information, descriptions of therapies, and contact details.
Gay Alcoholics
Information and guide for alcoholics. Provides "Do I Need Help?" checklist as well as U.S. nationwide GLBT group meeting schedules, treatment options, and special events.
Gay and Lesbian Health Services Saskatoon
Provides support, education, and health services throughout Saskatchewan and across the country. Overview of groups, programs, and activities.
Gay Male and Lesbian Partner Program
Canadian website selling relationship counselling training manual. Information, objectives, details of package, price, ordering details, about the author.
Gay Medics
Resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender doctors, medical students, and patients.
Gay Men's Counselling
Learn about counselling for gay men and professional psychotherapy.
Gay Men's Health Issues
Information and links relating to gay men's health concerns.
Health and wellness site dedicated to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered men and women staffed by professionals from within our own community.
Gays With Psoriasis
Egroup for chatting with and finding other guys who suffer from psoriasis.
Health Care Information Resources -- Gay & Les
Good selection of links to sites on GLBT health issues.
Hepatitis B Vaccine Info
Hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious than HIV, get vaccinated.
Homophobia: the Analysis of a
American Psychoanalytic Foundation presentation from Forum with full text of reports given by authorities: Paul Lynch, Peter Gomes, Barney Frank, Nancy Chodorow, Barney Frank, and Alan Hevesi.
Houston Therapist, Houston Therapy, Houston Psycho
Houston Therapist - Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples, and Groups, Gay and Lesbian, Located in Houston, Texas
Inner Work With Paul Chirumbolo
Online counseling, dream analysis, and self-help. Includes a catalog of select writings.
Internet Guide: Sexual Orientation and Health
Guide to resources about sexual orientation and health, developed by the Health Sciences Library System of the University of Pittsburgh. Includes links to other web sites and access to other pages of the library system.
LGBT Health Channel
Physician monitored information on health related topics.
National Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Organization committed to improving the health and well-being of lesbian,gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in the United States. Includes coalition profile, goals, news, announcements, and membership information.
Online Counseling Alternatives
Counseling via email, private chat, telephone and support groups for LGBT persons. Includes description of services, rates, counsellor profiles, online scheduling, and contact details.
Pink Therapy Services
Organisation to promote high quality therapy and training services for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender in the United Kingdom. Includes therapist profiles, resources, training, and contact information.
Pride Institute
Details about the facilities and contact information. Provides mental health and chemical dependency treatment services to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities. Locations in Texas, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota and New Jersey.
Project HOPE
Outreach project to educate on HIV, STDs, safer sex and general health issues. Offering workshops, information and supplies upon request.
Robyn Aileen Perkins Counsellor
Personal appointments or internet counselling, in Australia, by a counsellor who is post-op transgendered male to female. Information on how it works, terms and conditions, and costs.
Safe Zone Foundation
Information and health education, opportunities for personal growth, possibilities for social interaction, and a platform to discuss concerns and take action on issues affecting the LGBT community.
The Capital Roundup
A non-profit organization serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender recovering community of metropolitan Washington, DC. Services and support include social events, recovery workshops, and an annual conference.
The International Advisory Council for Homosexual
IAC serves the gay and lesbian members of A.A. Includes a directory of meeting places, volunteer positions, and a tape library.
The Lesbian & Gay Foundation
Contains information for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and transvestite communities on sexual health, well being, groups and events in the.
The National Association of Lesbian and Gay Addict
NALGAP meetings and articles.
Triangle Club
Provides sober, safe, and affordable Twelve Step Meeting spaces for gays and lesbians recovering from addictions and codependent behaviors. Schedule of meetings in Washington DC.