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Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't Pursue
Database containing primary materials on the U.S. military's policy on sexual orientation, from World War I to the present. A project of the Robert Crown Law Library at Stanford Law School.
Facts on File: Gays in the Military
Article exploring various aspects of the United States policy.
First Lieutenant Andrew Holmes and the Don't
Information about gays in the military and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy from personal experience.
Rand Research Brief: Changing the Policy Toward Ho
Synopsis of the 1993 study Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Personnel Policy. Options and Assessment.
Tim McVeigh
Personal page detailing a case of military separation due to an online use of the word gay.
Uniform Discrimination
Human Rights Watch report examies how he U.S. military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy of discharging gay and lesbian service members who reveal their sexual orientation violates human rights and deprives the military of skilled personnel.