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Ancestors of Christine Rose Fretwell including the surnames Fredericks, Hubley, Tompkins, Banks, Spidle, Vienot, Johnson and Sandford.
Ancestral history of Chris Fretwell from Ottawa, Ontario, CAN. Focus is on the lineages of the Lunenburg County area of Nova Scotia.
Fretwell Family
Family history from Virginia circa 1665. Includes updates to the 'Descendants of Leonard Fretwell (1787-1836) of Lewis County, Missouri' a family book published in 2001.
Fretwell: Donna's Family History Pages
Ancestral heritage including the surnames Ake, Angrove, Barber, Bastian, Brown, Cook, Cork, Davies, Douglas, Evans, Felkin, Fletcher, Foyal, Fretwell, Griffiths and Hall.