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Pedigree tree of Clement Hancock as compiled by Erastus J Hancock III of Macon, GA USA.
Family history as compiled by Michelle Sublet. Includes pedigree charts and guestbook.
Family history of Shannon Hancock including the surnames Kernick, Clifford, Frayne, Edwards and Allen.
Hancock and Cross Family Tree
Ancestors of Beth Hancock and Richard Cross of Vancouver, Washington, USA.
Hancock and Shields
Ancestral heritage of David E Hancock and Audrey A Shields of Portage, MI USA.
Hancock's Resolution
Maryland family featuring 5 generations over 200 years. Focus is on the family home built in 1784 by veteran Stephen Hancock of the 6th Company, 3rd Regiment.
Family history as compiled by Anthony Richard Hancock, Jnr. Focus is on the lineages of Ft Meade, Florida, USA.