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AAA Genealogy
Open to any type of genealogy or family tree site.
AArdvark's Genealogy
All genealogy sites welcome.
Features sites that help people with genealogy issues.
Families Connect Surname Registry
Mainly surnames, but other genealogy sites welcome.
Gen Ring
Amateur genealogy, USGenWeb, and World GenWeb Project sites.
Genealogical Research and Resources
For persons searching for research and resource material to assist them in the formulation of a family history.
Features sites that help visitors find their ancestors and relatives.
Genealogy Family and Friends
For anyone with personal genealogy pages, or genealogy resources.
Genealogy Pages
Features both free and paid services sites.
Genealogy SurnameSearch Ring
Surname research connections.
Genealogy Webring of the Phenomenal Women Of The W
Open to anyone, woman or man, with a website dealing specifically in genealogical research and personal genealogy.
Genealogy World
Open to all genealogy sites.
GenSearch Ring
Showcases a wide range of general interest sites relating to the fields of genealogy and family history.
Keeping Family History Alive
General genealogy sites.
Our Ancestry
For general genealogy.
Plant Your Family Tree
For those who want to see that their family history is not forgotten.
Plant Your Family Tree Award
An award, and web ring, for people who share an interest in preserving their family history.
These are genealogy sites that show interest in detailing a family surname.
The Genealogical Research SiteRing
Sharing family history and genealogy including data bases and resources with other persons having common interests.