english deutsch
Australian Office of Financial Management
AOFM is responsibile for the debt management activities of the Commonwealth of Australia, formerly undertaken by the Debt Management Office within the Treasury.
Commonwealth Debt Management Review
Review questioning the continued existence of the Commonwealth Government Securities Market.
New South Wales Treasury Corporation
Central financing agency for the New South Wales public sector.
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation
NTTC is the central financing authority for the Government of the Northern Territory.
Queensland Treasury Corporation
The state's corporate treasury services provider, with responsibility for providing financial risk management advice.
South Australia Government Financing Authority
The central financing authority for the South Australian Government. Develops and implements borrowing and investment programs, and undertakes other financial activities as determined by the Treasurer of South Australia.
Tasmanian Public Finance Corporation
Known as TASCORP, it is the central borrowing authority for the State of Tasmania.
Treasury Corporation of Victoria
Central financing authority for the State of Victoria.
Western Australian Treasury Corporation
Primary lender to the Western Australian public sector.