english deutsch
African Slave Trade and European Imperialism
Timeline of African history, 15th through early 19th centuries, from Central Oregon Community College.
East African Slaves in Qajar Persia
PhD research on the social history of black African slaves who served in Qajar Persia's (1795-1925) multifunctional and multi-ethnic slavery institution.
Race and Slavery in the Middle East
Two chapters on the roots of African slavery, specifically in the Middle eastern region, by Bernard Lewis, Oxford University Press.
Remarks on the Colonization of the Western Coast o
Full text of 1850 pamphlet regarding African colonization from the Murray Collection of the US Library of Congress.
The Capture of a Slaver
Full text of article which appeared in "The Atlantic Monthly" in 1900 regarding the capture of a slave trading vessel in 1850.
The Story of the Slave Trade
Chapters about the trans-Atlantic slave trade from E. D. Morel's history of European colonialism in Africa, The Black Man's Burden.