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Aryan Invasion Theory
Fall of Harappan Civilization, History of Ancient India, Kalidas Vedic India, The Aryan Question Revisited, The Aryans, The Myth of Aryan Invasion of India, Update on the Aryan Invasion Debate, Why Pepetuate Myths?, Wikipedia: Aryan Invasion Theory
Ancient India
Brief overviews of the major topics from prehistory through to the Islamic invasions.
Ancient India
Explore the people, culture, beliefs, and history of ancient India using animations, 3D models and objects from the British Museum's collections.
Ancient Indus Tour: Indus Essay 1
A 90 slide tour of the ancient Indus Valley with one of its foremost scholars, Jonathan Mark Kenoyer.
Daily Life in Ancient India
Part of a schools series, laid out in a simple easy to follow form.
Indus Valley; People and Languages
Detailed account by Dr Tariq Rahman on the people and languages of the IV civilisation, and their relationships to modern societies and languages.
Vedas and Upanishads by Sanderson Beck
Account of the Vedic age, with historical notes. Follows the accepted histories of ancient India.