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Che Guevara
An essay reviewing the life and times of Che Guevara.
Che Guevara - A Symbol of Struggle
Online book from the UK-based Committee for a Workers International provides a socialist examination of Guevara's influences and revolutionary activities. Also available in Spanish.
Che Guevara Information Archive
Information, articles and pictures relating to Ernesto Che Guevara.
Che Guevara Internet Archive
Inclusive biography and marxist analysis, collection of writings and interviews, images, and some audio, primarily from Cuban Revolution.
Che Guevara's Dubious Legacy
Anti-Communist essay by John Suarez on the legacy of Che Guevara.
Che Lives
Documents, pictures, sound and video files, downloadables, and products.
Death of Che Guevara
Declassified documents from the US National Security Agency regarding the death of Che Guevara.
El Che Vive
Contains many photographs of Che Guevara, a detailed biography, and audio and video clips. [English/Dutch]
El Comandante Che Guevara
Biography, politics, texts, pictures and video of the Latin American guerillero. [English/Spanish/Dutch]
Ernesto Che Guevara
A short biography and many photos. [English/Turkish]
Ernesto Che Guevara
Episodes of the revolutionary war. Biography and photo gallery. [English/Spanish/Russian]
Collection of writings, videos, and recent articles about Che, with message board.
Message to the Tricontinental: "Create Two, T
Ernesto Che Guevara's last public statement from 1967, considered as his political testament.
Symbol of Struggle
Socialist Alternative article reviews the development of Che's thought on fighting international capitalist exploitation.
The Biography Project: Ernesto 'Che' Gue
Biography, images, bibliography and related links for the guerrilla warrior and national hero of Cuba.
The Guevara Collection -- Workers' Web Online
Includes On Growth and Imperialism [1961], Colonialism is Doomed [1964], On Development [1964] and "Create Two, Three...Many Vietnams" [1967].
The Resurrections of Che Guevara
International Socialism article discusses 1990's re-emphasis on Che's image.
Wikipedia: Che Guevara
Article on the revolutionary's life and legacy, with quotes and pictures.