english deutsch
A bit of Swedish (and scandinavian) history
These documents are presented with the intention of giving short and (hopefully) correct bits of Swedish history.
Fotevikens Museum
A maritime archaeological museum concentrated on research and inventory of shipping, ships and maritime relics.
H-Net Network for Scandinavian history
H-SKAND is a new daily Internet discussion forum focused on scholarly topics in the common Scandinavian history as well as the national histories of the Scandinavian countries. H-SKAND is designed primarily for spreading information of value to professional historians; subscriptions are invited from professors, lecturers, librarians, archivists, graduate students, and other professionals, world-wide.
Medieval Scandinavia
Scandinavian history, Norwegian genealogy, local archaeology and Norse mythology.
Origin of the Scandinavian Nations and Languages
Table of contents of 'unknown' book links to presentation of author and to discussion of contents
Reasons and Prelude to the Viking Age
Summarizes major events in early Scandinavian history as related in the book The Origin of Svear, a re-evaluation of the place of Gotland and Svear in Roman sources.
The Content of Medieval Scandinavia
This website is primarily about the Scandinavian past history and our own family genealogy, but a lot of the information provided would certainly benefit a much greater audience than just the family.
The Guild of the Hjortspring Boat
We are making a full size replica of the Hjortspring Boat, dated 350 BC.