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3D Hohokam Pithouse
Computer rendering of an ancient Hohokam dwelling.
A Visit with the Hisatsinom (Anasazi) and the Hoho
Indexed links to the prehistory of these two Southwestern peoples.
Colossal Cave Mountain Park
A minor Hohokam site near Tucson.
Fort Lowell Hohokam
A brief discussion of the Hohokam presence around this old fort, north of Tucson.
Hohokam Ballplayers Made The Bleachers At Yankee S
An article from the Tucson Weekly on ancient Hohokam sports.
Hohokam Indian Page
A computer model of an ancient Hohokam village, with text information available for each part of the village.
Pueblo Grande Platform Mound, A Labor Investment A
Various authors have estimated and/or directly surveyed the size of the Pueblo Grande platform mound. Based on the platform mound size of 300 x 100 x 15 feet, a volume estimate of 450,000 cubic feet was arrived at.
The Hohokam Desert People
Profile of the ancient Hohokam people, with links to monument sites.