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American West - Daniel Boone
A brief biography of the frontiersman.
Daniel Boone
Biography of Daniel Boone, part of John Preston Arthur's 1914 history of North Carolina.
Daniel Boone
Detailed biographical information of the man - includes some images. [Henry Nash Smith]
Daniel Boone - American Pioneer and Trailblazer
Short biography.
Daniel Boone Biography
Biography - includes genealogy.
Daniel Boone Homestead
Includes biography and information on homestead and Fort Boonesborough.
Daniel Boone Homestead - History - Are We There Ye
Birthplace of pioneer Daniel Boone
Daniel Boone's Grave. Roadside America
Article on the conflict about where Boone is really buried.
Daniel Boone's Missouri Home
Home of Daniel Boone during the years he and his son, Nathan, lived in Missouri.
Daniel Boone's Move to Kentucky
Biographical information. [by Theodore Roosevelt]
Daniel Boone: Colonizer
Bibliography of works about the explorer.
Daniel Boone: The Great Civilizer
Selected brief works about the explorer.
History of Daniel Boone, A Television Drama
Filmed on location in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and other states of the Ohio Valley.
Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone
Project Gutenberg e-text of the biography by John Filson.