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Navigare Necesse Est, The Roman Fleets and Roman Border Policy, The Roman Navy, The Roman Navy
Armamentarium: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour
An illustrated source book about Roman military equipment
Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic and Civil
Julius Caesar's accounts of the Gallic and civil wars - extensive text file 58-47BC.
Ethics of Roman Expansion to 133 BC
An essay by Sanderson Beck.
Legio III Augusta
An operational history of the third Roman legion by John J. Hartwell.
ORB: The Late Roman Army
Article describing changes in the Roman army during and after Diocletian (284-305 AD).
Information on the Roman army, the legions and various campaigns. With pictures of uniforms, shield patterns, and armor.
Roman Army and War
Maintained by Portland State University. Basic information about the Punic Wars, the Roman army, the fall of Rome, and Caesar and Pompey. Photo album.
Roman Military Diplomas
Diplomata sorted by emperors, provinces, auxiliary units. Aims to encourage private collectors to provide their diploma fragments for scientific evaluation.
Roman Military Equipment
Website listing Roman Military Equipment, e.g. helmets, parade armour, weapons (gladius, pugio, pilum, spear), body armour (scutum, lorica segmentata), as well as items of daily life, non-commercial
Resource for Roman military studies, including an image database for Roman soldier's grave stones with Latin texts, and a discussion group for archaeology and reenactment.
The Glory That Was Rome
An extensive look at the development of the Roman Army from the late Republic to the height of the Empire. History, artillery, siegecraft, wars, and other subjects discussed.
The Landings of Caesar in Britain
Overview of Ceasar's landings and attempted conquest of Britain, 55-54BC
The Roman Army
Gary Brueggeman's site providing legion formations, elements of engagement, a look at supporting units, equipment, and other research. Extensive link list and bibliography.
The Roman Army
Describes Roman military organisation from the early Republican period through to the late Byzantine period.
The Roman Army In Caerleon
Find out about the Roman army that was housed at Caerleon, a Roman legionary fortress in Britain.
The Roman Army in the Late Republic and Early Empi
Covers the Roman army from about 70BC to 30AD, includes descriptions of key officer ranks, formations and military buildings/fortifications.
The Roman Army Page
Information about Roman legions during the imperial era, including organisation, funding, privileges of ordinary soldiers, plus links to other sites.
Victori - The Roman Military
Student-produced site hosted by ThinkQuest. Provides an overview of tools of war, strategy and tactics, military relations, and links.
Victori - The Roman Military
A resource on the weapons, tactics, and history of the ancient Roman military.