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Ancient Rome Seen Through CG, Forum Romanum, Map of Ancient Rome, Maps of Rome, Model of Rome, The Christian Catacombs of Rome
Athena Review: Plan of the Roman Town at Narbonne
An overlay of modern streets on the core of the walled Roman town at Narbonne, with description.
BBC History: City of the Dead: the Roman Town of C
Excavations in Hampshire revealed the remains of a once-thriving Roman town, Calleva Atrebatum. But what led to its abandonment? Michael Fulford turns detective.
Calleva: The Roman Town of Silchester
Video produced and directed by Sean Caveille, shown on the Archaeology Channel.
Exeter as a Roman Town
Exeter Council provides a map and description of the form and growth of the Roman city known as Isca Dumnoniorum.
Greek and Roman Cities of Western Turkey
A book proposal by Michael Greenhalgh of the Australian National University, with selected chapters on-line.
Lepcis Magna - The Roman Empire in Africa
Dr Hafed Walda reports on the latest excavations of this amazingly preserved Roman city on the North African coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Ostia: Harbour of Ancient Rome
Texts, plans, bibliography, links, and other resources for professional and student archaeologists and historians studying Ostia.
Pompeii Interactive
A CD-ROM written by an examiner with hundreds of photos and detailed text on all aspects of ancient Pompeii. Preview online.
Roman Towns in West Yorkshire
The West Yorkshire Archaeology Service provides an illustrated description of life in a provincial Roman town, with bibliography.
Roman Towns in Britain: Written Evidence for towns
An appendix to Guy de la Bédoyère, Roman Towns in Britain (2003), giving references in classical authors and inscriptions that provide clues to the names, status or nature of towns in Roman Britain.
Roman Towns in the Tiber Valley
University of Southampton hosts this study by Simon Keay and Martin Millett, which forms part of the broader Tiber Valley Project of the British School at Rome.
Roman Towns in the Tiber Valley
Project sponsored by the British School at Rome, directed by Simon Keay and Martin Millett. Outline hosted by the British School.
Romans in Britain: Roman Towns
An introduction to the structure and layout of Roman towns, with sample plans by "Victius Maximus".
S.P.Q.R. Blues
Logomancy's virtual reconstruction of ancient Herculaneum and stories about ordinary folks based on archaeology.
Silchester Town Life Project
The University of Reading describes the archaeology of the Romano-British town called Calleva Atrebatum, the Victorian excavations and the activities of the Field School.
The Corinth Computer Project
A computerized architectural and topographical survey of the Roman era colony of Corinth, by the University of Pennsylvania.
The Pompei Disaster
links to pictures, animation, maps and graphics, offers the story of how Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii.
Tour of Caistor Roman Town
Sue White provides a virtual tour of this Roman town in what is now Norfolk, England, complete with plans, reconstruction drawings and bibliography.
The Roman city at the present St. Albans was the third largest in Roman Britain. An introduction with historical outline, reconstruction drawing, photographs and links.