english deutsch
Guillotin, Doctor Joseph Ignace
History of the Guillotine: Dr. Guillotin's Le, Magazine Magnus: The Guillotine's Inventor, Off with Their Heads--Invention of the Guillotine
Robespierre, Maximilien
Amis de Robespierre, French Revolution - Robespierre, and the Legacy of, Maximilien Robespierre and Louis-Antoine Saint-Jus, Maximilien Robespierre Memorial, Maximillien Robespierre (1758-94), On the Principles of Political Morality, Robespierre: Terror and Virture, 1794, Speech on the Festival of the Supreme Being, The Fall of Robespierre, What is the Third Estate: Robespierre and the Reig
Britannia: The French Revolution
From the Britannia Internet Magazine, take a look at this entry about the French Revolution by Raymond Betts.
Cornell: French Revolution Collections
Online texts of the writings of Marquis de Lafayette, Comte de Maurepas, and Benoist La Forte.
France during the French Revolution and under Napo
An annotated chronology of civil and military events.
French Revolutionary Pamphlets
Digital facsimiles of French Revolutionary pamphlet propaganda.
Liberty and the French Revolution
A project site for part of a degree course, offering articles about Napoleon, Revolutionary culture, Haiti, and the French social system, as well as text of documents, links, bibliography.
Links on the French Revolution
Wide variety of annotated links from introductory to specialized sites; most are in English with a few in French.
On Political Morality
This is a speech given by Maximilien Robespierre on February 1794.
Reflections On The Revolution In France
The classical work of Edmund Burke "Reflections On The Revolution In France" about the French revolution, with notes and an easy guide index.
Revolution and After
"Tragedies and Farces" of the French Revolution and post-revolution periods.
The French Revolution
Gives background on the French Revolution, including causes, principal personalities, major events, and recommended references.
The French Revolution
Historical documents, essays, bibliographical information, and links.
The French Revolution, Jacobins and Jacobites
Excerpt from a book, alleging that the French Revolution was instigated and directed by Freemasons and Masonic organizations.
The Guillotine Headquarters
Lavishly illustrated site dedicated to this execution machine
The Napoleonic Revolution
This lecture describes the Revolution instituted by Napoleon. Dr. Rempel of New England College provides this information at his web site on the Western Civilization.
The Parisian Stage During the French Revolution
A research project by professors at the University of Chicago whose goal is to list all the plays that were performed in Paris during the French Revolution.
The Significance Of The French Revolution
Short essay which quotes extensively from Edmund Burke.
Voice of the Shuttle: French Revolution
A good place to start exploring the French Revolution.