english deutsch
Anglo-Saxon England. Settlement - rural and town l, Bruges and Florence, Colchester, England, English Medieval Boroughs: Privileged Urban Commun, Feeding Medieval European Cities, 600-1500, Historical Materialism: Medieval Towns, History of English Place-Names, Internet Medieval Sourcebook: The Rise of Towns, Medieval Art in Pisa, Medieval Dover
A comparative study of extant garments relevant to
An overview of clothing worn in East Denmark in the 14th century. Includes thumbnail images of actual garments, with details of the item.
Alcoholic Drinks of the Middle Ages
This page is dedicated to that most ancient of fermented beverages, mead, with information on wine, beer and cider as well. Short histories of each beverage are included, as well as information on the brewing methods used.
Bracton's De legibus et Consuetudines Angliae
The Laws and Customs of England, attributed to Henry of Bratton, c. 1210-1268. This is an electronic full-text version these laws in both English and Latin.
Business in the Urban Home
This article relates to the trade in commodities from people's homes in the Middle Ages
Cauldrons and the Development of Cast Iron for Dom
This article contains a paragraph on the use of cauldrons for medieval domestic use along with relevant illustrations.
Chronology of Medieval Boys' Clothing Styles
A general overview of aspects relating to the topic such as experiences of childhood, cultural influences and class issues. Contains links to more detailed discussions of some sections.
COLLECTION: Medieval and Anglo Saxon Recipes
Medieval and Anglo Saxon Recipes, taken from the "British Museum Cookbook" by Michelle Berriedale-Johnson
Cooking from Primary Sources: Some General Comment
An article which discusses aspects of medieval food such as appropriate fare for war time, and ethnic food. Links to relevant recipes are included in the text.
This site was intended as a guide to costuming for the game Murder on the Road to Santiago, but contains many details of what clothing was worn for daily life in medieval times. Sections include laypersons clothing and clothing worn by members of religious orders.
Daily Life--Peasants
An overview of the daily lives of Medieval Peasants including aspects such as clothing, food, marriage and children.
Do Exempla Illustrate Daily Life?
A critical discussion on the merits and pitfalls of using medieval 'exempla' to determine facts about daily life in the middle ages.
Dominion and Domination of the Gentle Sex: Lives o
This site explores aspects of Medieval Women's lives such as economics, religion , politics and the family.
Food Coloring Agents
These are listed by colour, with details of ingredients.
Food in England Since 1066 -- A Vegetarian Evoluti
An article about vegetarian diets in the Middle Ages, detailing specific foods and the ways in which they were used. Relevant quotes from various secondary sources are included with a commentary from the writer of the article.
Food in Medieval Jewish Spain
An overview of foods that were eaten by Jewish people in medieval Spain. Includes links to resources and analysis of some primary and secondary sources.
Forme of Cury
Medieval recipes from "A Roll of Ancient English Cookery", which was compiled about 1390 CE.
A selection of recipes and cookery books and related information, mainly from the late Middle Ages.
Historical Recipes of Different Cultures
This site has sections on both Anglo-Saxon and general Medieval recipes. It lists the recipes themselves with some detail on customs and ritual associated with the meals.
Instruments of Torture, Medieval Times
Provides an overview of instruments of torture, including illustrations and descriptions of how they were used.
Life in a Medieval Castle
Brief account of daily life in a Medieval Castle. Touches on such aspects as religion, hygiene and water.
Life in the Middle Ages
Series of short essays by gifted resource students from Kyerene de las Brisas Elementary School. Many of the essays are illustrated by the children, and contain short summaries of aspects of everyday life in the Middle Ages.
Markets and Fairs in Britain and Ireland before 12
A comparative study on the growth of trade in Britain and Ireland before 1216.
Meals & Manners
The page is part of Harvard's Geoffrey Chaucer page, and it contains information on what food was eaten and the manner in which it was consumed, with links expanding the text.
Medica: The Society for the Study of Healing in th
University of Maine hosts the pages of this society interested in medicine in medieval times. Includes an extensive bibliography, related links and an events list.
Medieval Clothing
Medieval costume. Men's clothing, women's clothing, children's clothing, sanitary napkins, diapers, wool, linen, silk, leather, fur
Medieval Life
Everyday life during medieval times. A description of the history, literature, chivalry, commerce, customs, food and life of people living in Europe, Asia and Africa during the Middle Ages.
Medieval Mustard
Medieval recipes and uses for mustard are included in this page, drawing heavily on primary sources.
Medieval Pottery Research Group
Details of publications and conferences, and other information such as how to join the MPRG. Also has links to related sites.
Medieval Rules and Rituals: Love and Marriage
A collection of essays on the topic of Medieval relationships.
Medieval Technology Page
A very interesting look at medieval technology; how it was created, how it worked, and how it was used.
Medieval Use of Herbs
List and brief descriptions of herbs used in the Middle Ages.
Medieval Wedding Ceremonies
Medieval wedding traditions, marriage laws, customs, and ceremonies. History of medieval weddings. Fascinating details regarding attire, adornments, gifts and rituals associated with weddings during the Middle Ages.
Medieval Women An Interactive Exploration
An interactive website featuring aspects of medieval women's daily lives, such as life in a religious order, or life for members of different classes of society.
Medieval/Renaissance Food Homepage
Articles, recipes, and summaries of books about Renaissance and Medieval cooking.
Middle Ages
Museum site with an e-tour of facets of Medieval life relating to Knights, Merchants, the Church and Peasants.
Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe
This project involves the creation of a hypertext archive of narratives, medical consilia, governmental records, religious and spiritual writings and images documenting the arrival, impact and response to the problem of epidemic disease in Western Europe between 1348 and 1530.
Richard III Society-15th Century Life: Food
An overview of medieval culinary traditions for both lower and upper classes.
Rural and urban elites in England during the later
Transcript of a lecture that largely deals with the interaction between rural and urban elites in Medieval England. Touches on aspects of the daily lives of these classes such as incomes, taxes and municipal issues.
Scott Rees's History Sites
Brief notes on feudal life.
Some Clothing of the Middle Ages
Historical Clothing from Archaeological Finds, primarily focusing on England, Western Europe, and the Scandinavian Milieu.
The 'Law Merchant' and the Fair Court of
A detailed analysis of the "law merchant" and commercial law in the Middle Ages, focusing on the court records of a medieval English fair.
The Dark Ages
Online presentation giving an overview of Dark Ages themes such as daily life, economic revival and science.
The Employees of Durham Priory, 1494-1519
A research project by Durham University on conditions of employment in the late Middle Ages, derived from an exceptionally rich monastic archive.
The Flour of Chivalry
A short history of medieval bakers' guilds, focusing on pricing, aspects of membership and issues with local authorities and the growth of urbanisation.
The Great Famine and the Black Death
Lectures on the famine of 1315-1317 and the Black Death, by Lynn Harry Nelson, The University of Kansas.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ancient Cookery
These recipes are aimed at modern re-creation, but the original recipes are given.
The Marketing of Grain in England, 1250-1350
Aspects of grain marketing in Medieval England such as pricing, famines and transportation issues. This includes discussions on how these issues impacted on the lives of all classes of people in this time period.
The Medieval Paupers
The Medieval Paupers, a lecture by Lynn Harry Nelson, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Nelson examines Medieval paupers by categorising them into three groups, physically incompetent, socially marginalised and economically deprived and examines factors contributing to this state, as well as outcomes of this state.
The Peasant Land Market in Southern England, 1260
A Research paper studying the peasant land market in Winchester, with an analysis of the transactions and how these reflected property rights of the time.
The Peasants: Advances in Agricultural Technology,
A lecture on medieval agricultural technology and its relationship with the daily lives of peasants by Lynn Harry Nelson, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
The Royal and Delightful Game of Piquet
The game of Piquet (or Cent, the game's English name in this period), has been played since at least the end of the 15th century. This site provides instructions on how to play the game.
The Sundering of Society 1350-1500
A lectures in medieval history, by Lynn Harry Nelson, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Nelson examines the divisions in society and how the lives of individuals in the difference classes were effected.
The Vikings - Snayfwickby
Contain information about aspects of daily Viking life such as eating habits, animal rearing and travel. The site is aimed at 7 to 8 year old children, and was produced by Snaith Primary School in East Yorkshire, England.
The Visigothic Code: Forum Iudicum
The Law Code of the Visigoths of Spain. In translation with a helpful preface.
Viking Age Foodstuffs
Archaeological Finds of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Viking Foodstuffs
Viking Answer Lady Webpage - Daily Life In Viking
Contains detailed information about such aspects of Viking daily life as clothing, food, naming practices and sexual politics. Contains some analysis of primary sources to provide this information.
Viking Men's Clothing
While this site is intended for individuals interested in reconstructing historical costume, many details of Viking mens costume are analysed. These include materials used, general types of clothing and ornamentation.
Wichamstow Village
Roland Williamson presents a fictional village to illustrate the type of buildings the Anglo-Saxons created and the daily life of villagers. Hosted by Regia Anglorum.
Women Left Behind (Women in World History Curricul
A brief study of the impact of the Crusades on women. Includes links to information on Women of note.