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About.com: Medieval History
Explore Medieval history from the Dark Ages to the Renaissance and beyond. Original features, extensive links, chat, bulletin boards, free newsletter and more from About.Com.
Academic Info: Medieval & Byzantium History
An annotated directory of selected Internet resources on the history of Medieval Europe and Byzantium.
Byzantine and Medieval Web Links
Exhaustive collection of links concerning the Byzantine and Medieval period of history.
Byzantium to the French Revolution
A quirky but comprehensive list of annotated links.
Dante Studies
Comprehensive web directory of all things related to Dante.
Education World: The Middle Ages
Sites recommended for teaching about the Middle Ages.
Highlander's Mistress Castle
Links to recipes, architecture, organizations, literature, movies, traditions and family roles, religion and science.
International Directory
Selected resources on the history of Medieval Europe. Part of the Medioevo Italiano Project.
A private enterprise devoted to studies in medieval German and Latin culture. It aims to provide an extensive and reliable compilation of current information, sources and tools for medievalist studies. Click the link at the bottom for the English version.
Medieval Enthusiasm
A collection of web sites, resources, and information.
Medieval Europe: The 11th - 15th Centuries in Nort
A part of the family's home page project, integrating family history and genealogy into the broader context of culture, history, and place.
Medieval Life and Times
Outline for a middle school medieval unit, reading list, research and craft projects, plus research links.
Medieval Links - Resources
Extensive compilation of favorite, popular and educational medieval sites. Provided by New York Carver newsletter.
Medieval Science
A moderated index of Internet resources devoted to the study of medieval science.
Middle Ages by History Link 101
Categorized by art, biographies, daily life, maps, pictures and research of Middle Ages.
NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Reso
One of the largest webliographies devoted solely to medieval resources on the Internet.
Odin's Castle of Dreams & Legends
An assortment of medieval links.
Sir Clisto's Tome of Adventure & Knowledg
A great many links to all things medieval or renaissance.
soc.history.medieval FAQ
Sites are listed alphabetically by subject and then alphabetically by name within the subject headings. Part of the FAQ for soc.history.medieval.
The Columbia Medievalist's Essential Homepage
Contains the essential starting points for medieval studies both locally at Columbia University and globally on the Internet. Most of the websites listed here contain numerous links to texts, indexes, bibliographies, and other electronic resources essential for medieval studies.
The Labyrinth
Medieval studies scholarly resources compiled and organized from around the world. Contains texts in all European languages, including Latin and Greek.
The Middle Ages and Renaissance Web Ring
Members of this Ring have a variety of interests rooted in the Dark Ages, Medieval period, and Renaissance era primarily in the lands of Europe, Western Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. There are also links to "living history" sites, like the Society for Creative Anachronism.
WWW Medieval Resources
A concise site for links regarding history, art, mss archives, architecture, music, literature, discussions on text, sciences, libraries, and other pertinent databases.
WWW-VL Medieval Europe
One of the most comprehensive indexes of sites, from Michigan State University.